Chapter 8

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Words - 1383
———————————————————Running into your room and slamming the door, you shouted, "GETTING CHANGED," before starting to undress.
It was going to be one looonnnnnggg night.


You leaned back in your chair. You had just finished surgery on a small child and it had taken hours but luckily you were free, your shift was over so even if someone came in dying it was Not your responsibility.
You breathed out happily as you started to pack up. You really needed to change out of your doctor clothes, you had got to. Some blood into the edge of it and it was beginning to smell.

"Fuuuuuuuck. I'm going to have to take this home."
Due to a small bet that you lost, your not allowed to use any of the hospitals equipment (except the, you know, doctors equipment) and instead have to wash and clean everything at home. You were So not bothered to deal with walking home in the still dark sky when you were this tired, and trust me, you were REALLY tired.

You got out your phone and clicked on the contact 'SANSational'
You tapped your leg as you waited for him to pick up.
"Wats up faggot."
"The sky."
"Haha. Yep."
"Do you mind if you shortcut me..."
Before you had even finished your sentence, Monster had appeared next to you in a swirl of blue.

"Thanks" was all you said as he grabbed your arm to shortcut you back. He staggered slightly as you went limp against him.
You mumbled into his shoulder "Monster I'm tired and your comfy so imma have a nap, wake me up later."
He sighed. "You have got to stop taking the night shift before you pass out on the job."
You leaning off of him and clutched your chest in mock offence.
"How dare you! I would never do such a rude thing in public."
"Sure you wouldn't.. in public."
You leaned back onto him and sighed
"You got me there Monster so take me back home so I can bitch about things."
"Yeah yeah."
You were surrounded by a blue light, as you felt temporarily weightless.

"You have got to let me examine you." You said as you leaned off of him, you had asked Sans many times to let you work out how he worked and he had never let you.
"Sooo.. this is kinda awkward." A lazy voice said from the corner of the room.
Oh Goodie. It was Stretch. By the way. You did NOT trust him. He was one of the ones who didn't pass your test.
"Why?" you tilted your head slightly to the left, looking at him curiously.
He looked back and raised an eyebrow (eyebrow? brow bone? You don't know. See this is why Monster should let you examine him).
"I don't think I want to be here when you, quote unquote, 'examine him'."
You snorted and face palmed.
"Not like that, you idiot."
You glanced at Monster who was slowly retracting into his hoodie with a face full of blue. You laughed out loud.

"Awwwww. Is someone embarrassed?" You said to monster, while poking him in the side.
You heard a faint "Fuck off faggot." From somewhere in hoodie-land which only made you laugh harder.
Stretch was just looking at the two of you, with his eyebrow (brow bone? You really didn't know) raised even higher than before.
You started toward the kitchen, still laughing.
"Thanks for the lift, Monster Bitch."

You were laughing even harder when you walked into the kitchen. 6 eye-lights were trained onto your entering figure.
"What?" You said obnoxiously. "It's been a long day and I'm only semi-conscious and really delirious. Which makes Everything funny."
You giggled lightly and shrugged.
"Plus a blushing Monster is funny either way."
At Sans' muffled yell from the other room only made you laugh harder. Monster walked in, his face still flushed.
"This is almost as bad as when Lust visited."
Your laughing became explosive and you pretty much collapsed on the floor at the memory
"Awww that was so beautiful, I miss him making you uncomfortable. It was so funny."
You slowly stood up, still chuckling, wiping away an imaginary tear.

Monster shook his head. "I'm just glad he isn't here, he really brings out the flirt in you."
You breathed deeply, trying to control himself, before winking at him.
"I'm also glad he's not here. It means I get you all for myself."
Your laughing got louder again as Monster started twitching.
Ru had decided to interrupt your merciless teasing.
"Sure sure Ru. But i don't want any sugar in my tea."
Ru looked down at you confused.
"Cause your the only sugar I need in my life."
You started laughing again as Ru's face glowed a slight orange and he sighed.
He held out your favourite mug, filled with tea from literally no where. You took it, still laughing, and headed out of the kitchen, up the stairs and towards your room.


You snorted loudly as you heard the delayed collective shout come from the kitchen before you closed your bedroom door.
You sighed contentedly as you leaned against it, sipping your tea. Ru's tea really was the best:
It had just enough milk so it wasn't to hot or bitter, then just enough sugar to sweeten it up.
You sighed again, this time thinking back to Lust.

Yep, he had ended up stuck in Undertale a year back and yes he really did bring out your inner flirt. It was pick up line city in the house every day he was here. If Course that was before you had got him to leave. You hadn't really told anyone How you got him through the thing. Not because you hadn't trusted them (in fact Lust had surprisingly passed your test so he knew more or less everything) but more because of how dangerous it was and you didn't want them to worry.

You missed him though. His cheesy pick up lines and flirtatious ways. It was Great. on the other side though were glad he went home, you mean, he had a brother to care for and you wanted him to make sure his Ru was safe.
Every Sans had a Papyrus, no matter what form they come in.

You went for another sip of your tea only to find it was empty. You chuckled slightly before opening your door and yelling "YEEEEET" incredibly loudly, as you chucked your empty tea cup down the stairs and into the hall. You heard a faint shattering sound.
You laughed loudly as you shut the door again, that must of been Edge.
Quickly shouting "GETTING CHANGED" you stripped out of your clothes and hopped into your bed.

Yeah, Yeah you were going to be out of bed again in a couple of hours but still it was already 8 o clock in the morning and you hadn't slept for ages.
You would most likely be forced out of bed by Ru at around 12 or 12:30 if your lucky so you were going to savour these few beautiful hours sleep.

Smiling happily, you slowly drifted off to sleep peacefully ignoring the faint shouts coming from the kitchen. Monster could deal with those skeletons while you slept.
Yep, and maybe tonight you would be able to sleep without nightmares, who knows anything's possible...

Hello again.
Sorry if it's bad, I'm feeling kinda silly and stupid right now and I'm pretty sure it rubbed off on 'you'.
Great, soooooo,
Hope you enjoyed, feel free to tell me if you didn't like anything, also, really sorry it's moving so slow.
Like seriously, chapter 8 and you haven't actually had a one on one conversation with anyone yet.
Sorry bout that.
Welp, hope you don't mind to much.
Stay beautiful and handsome,

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