The Dinner Disaster

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The Day Of The Dinner

Kathryn's pov

"Kathryn!" I hear my Mom shout outside my bedroom door.

"No, give me five more minutes" I groan

"If you want to stay in bed for five more minutes, get your own house" Mom retorts

"You don't love me" I hit back as I groggily get out of bed

"What are you talking about?" She asks

"You don't love me enough I need sleep and you're making me get up so early is it because I'm adopted" I ramble

"Stop being stupid of course you aren't adopted I still feel the pain from your birth" Mom argues

"Are you sure because I sure as hell don't look like Noah, I'm hot and he looks like an orc from Lord Of The Rings" I say as Mom comes into my room

"Just get changed Jacob and Mackenzie are here and you look terrible" Mom insults

"Ay that's horrible surely I don't look that bad..." I trail off as Mom holds a mirror in front of me

"Oh god I look hideous I look like Medusa having a bad hair day" I scream, Mom raises an eyebrow at me.

"Don't look at me otherwise you'll blow up" I say

"It's you'll turn to stone!" Noah calls from his room

"Shut up I look that bad that the effects are even worse!" I shout

"You probably look just as bad as you do every morning... Oh god, you look even worse" Noah shrieks as he enters my room.

"Told you" I deadpan he pulls a face at me

"My eyes are burning just staring at you" He insults me I flip him off

"Can we move off the fact that I look terrible and can you get out of my room I need a shower" I order then see a flash in my eyes as Noah takes a picture of me.

"There, that's your birthday picture sorted" Noah jokes my eyes blaze with fury.

"Delete that right now!" I scream he shakes his head

"Mom tell Noah to delete the picture" I moan, mom, rolls her eyes

"I hope you two aren't going to be like this tonight at the meal" Mom states, I roll my eyes

"Why? are you trying to impress Mr Woods or something because you can't he's married" I reply

"No I just don't want them to think my children are strange or something" Mom replies I give her a look

"I've already met him, he knows what I'm like it's that idiot there you need to worry about, now get out of my room I need to look my best for my friends," I say and shoo them out of my room, I quickly have a shower and brush my hair and brush my teeth and put on a top over my swimsuit and look less like Medusa and more like Margot Robbie, I look at myself in the mirror and smile.

"Damn I look like a million bucks" I compliment myself (What? if no one else is going to compliment you then do it yourself). I head downstairs where Mackenzie and Jacob are waiting for me in their swimsuits.

"You ready to hit those waves?" Jacob asks whilst doing the 'hang ten' sign I give him a look.

"You know you aren't cool," Mackenzie remarks I nod my head in agreement

"Hey guys you wanna see Kathryn's mugshot," Noah asks as he makes his way towards us, I practically push Jacob and Mackenzie out the door to hide the embarrassment of that monstrosity I call a brother (Is it illegal to be this funny if so then lock me up and throw away the key!). We begin our journey to the beach when Mackenzie falls into step with me.

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