Forest Recovers! Audrey?

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And people thought that they would get along. The two girls had been fighting for a good hour waiting for Forest and Purple. 

"Listen here, you little shit. There is nothing that you can do that'll faze me." Pink said with a smirk. Lime hissed.

"You'll fall eventually!" She pulled out a pokeball. "Take your knee!" Pink laughed.

"Come and make me!" The two girls got into battle stances.

"Um................" The girls turned to see Purple and Forest standing there. "How long has this been going on?" Forest asked, looking at Purple.

"A while sadly..." Purple sighed. "They would gang up against someone like Taen and then fight the rest of the time." Forest laughed. He was still a little shaky after the Deoxys incident. Purple had promised to work with him. Forest was the one to call, though. He didn't call Lime though. Pink ran into her.

"She started it." Pink pointed at Lime before a hiss escaped her.

"Guys..." Forest sighed. Lime smirked.

"I have places to be. Gotta go." She then took off. Pink sighed.

"Chicken." The group laughed. "Anyways..... Forest... what did you need?"

"Well... after I got some old memories back... I started to have a new ambition." He shifted slightly, leaning on Purple for support. "I....... want to go save my mom!" Pink blinked before smiling. Somewhere in his heart he believes that she is still alive. 

"Pink... if he's going... then so am I." She glanced at Purple. He had pain in his eyes. Audrey had taken him in and put him somewhere where he could feel safe. He wouldn't let something this important get away from him. She sighed.

"Ok... but I'm leading. You two can't be left alone without dropping dead." Forest's face heated up while Purple growled. She laughed at that.


The trio arrived at Malestorm 9. Memories flowed through Pink as the group dove under and into the Abyssal base. They went to Audrey's area. The place was decimated after the fight. Purple had a hard time going in. Pink glanced at him.

"Come on, Purple. If she is down here... she'll be glad to see you. Don't break down now." He nodded softly and rubbed his face. 

They went deep into the cave and heard a rather loud fight. The trio glanced at each other before heading over. They saw Kyogre and Lugia fighting one another. Lugia seemed like it was defending something. Pink noticed Audrey hiding behind some rocks. She knew that someone had to get to her. She pointed Audrey out to the others. Pain and fear appeared on Forest's face.

"Mom..." It felt weird hearing Forest say that. Tears entered Purple's eyes. He immediately wiped his eyes.

"How do we get to her?" His voice was soft, softer than usual. She glanced at him. He looked nervous. She glanced at the battle. 

"You have three seconds to get her out of here." The two boys looked at her.

"One legendary is more than you can handle. Two..." She chuckled.

"Have you figured out how I did it?" Confusion swept across Forest's face as a pokeball entered her hand. 

"Frosty!" A delta Froslass popped out. "Distract them!" It smirked as it fired at the legendaries. The attack hit the ceiling above them, catching their attention. Forest and Purple had slipped around the fight with Audrey. She was surprised but happy at the same time. Purple pulled out his Abra and teleported them out of the cave. The legendaries glared at her.

My True Fight - A Pokemon Insurgence StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя