'Namehere' Round 2? Purple's Incredible win!

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The two girls had been arguing since who knows how long. Pink's phone finally split them.




"Listen! Come to Suntouched City! Meet me at the gym! Hurry!"

"I'm on my way!" She hung up and looked at Lime. "See you later." The two girls then split up. She quickly got to Suntouched City and raced to the fan. She got up and went to the gym. Orion sat outside. He looked sad about something. "Orion!" He looked up.

"Pink." He stood up. She noticed that he was shaking. His eyes were red from crying.

"What happened?" She asked, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"Taen came back and took Reshi!" He said, wiping his eyes. "He came as I was locking up the gym!" A hiss escaped Pink.

"We'll get it back! I'm going to look for him at the Perfection base, you go to the ruins. We'll meet up at the library, ok?" He nodded and the two split. 


Pink went into the Perfection base and heard an oversized argument. More like a protest. She ran into Reukra on the stairs.

"I would kill them if I could. If you're looking for Taen, he's not here." He then left, slipping a note into her pocket. She felt Purple being behind this, but he wasn't anywhere in the crowd. She went over and slipped behind the crowd as they cheered when Reukra left. One of the people noticed her and went over while the others watched.

"Who are you? And how'd you slip around? Are you a cultist as well?" Pink blinked

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"Who are you? And how'd you slip around? Are you a cultist as well?" Pink blinked.

"Do I look like a cultist? My brother's closer to that statement." Pink then frowned. "And how do you not know who I am? The whole region knows who I am. Well... maybe not everyone. But it's not like you can't figure it out. I should be the only one trying to figure it out." A pokeball appeared in her hand. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?" The question shocked the person. The group gasped. Obviously, she threatened their leader.

"Oh... a challenge? Bring it on. The power of nature is on my side!" Something raced at her. Something clashed with it as she sent out Scissors. The two blurs raced around the room while the two battled on the ground. 


Pink knew that this was a real battle when her entire team fell. The other guy's team died quickly. The two blurs finally landed in front of their respective trainer. Mom hissed a little. The other pokemon snarled in response.

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