The third augur. The Hell, Taen!?

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Pink was walking through the Crystal Cave. King Vesryn had called her. She had a small feeling. She got to Mew's old cave. There was an entrance in the back. She went in and was greeted by King Vesryn. He explained what was going to happen. Seven trainers and a leader. The Timeless. She gulped nervously as she headed for the first cave.

(You can picture these fights in whatever order you imagine. Be creative and put in the comments what your order was. In your fights, have a delta Scizor, delta Charizard, a delta Snorunt,  and a Mew.)

Pink decimated the group

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Pink decimated the group. The ground lightly shook, indicating that there was an entrance opening. She went to the back of the cave and went in. She expected only one person. If all of these people faked their own deaths, there was only one person that could pull the leader card and do it right. Her dad told her a legendary tale that fit in the mysterious void. She walked in.....

And we end our story here.

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No? I'll get there...

Silence filled the room as she entered. A familiar figure was near the back.

His red eyes flashed as they met hers

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His red eyes flashed as they met hers. Her legendary eyes flared on as she locked eyes with him. He pulled out a pokeball. Without hesitation, she did the same. She wasn't going to be unconscious for this fight. She would go through Hell trying. The two champions went still before the pokeballs were in the air and the battle started.

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Or are we done?

Prina (Purple) was walking to the Abyssal base. An unsettling feeling filled her. Something didn't feel right. She went to where Audrey was defeated. She stared at the water. She didn't notice that there were people behind her.

"Look who it is." She whipped around. Three people stood there. Taen stood in the middle. John was on his right and a Darkrai Cultist, Matt, the same guy that was there near Pink's cage before the ritual. Prina frowned.

"What do you want?" She scowled. Taen smirked.

"I knew that one of the few experienced cultists would be somewhere. You do realize that-"

"10." She snarled. Taen put his hands up.

"Wow. Pushy. We came to see if you'd help us with something." She scoffed.

"In your dreams. Paul told me about your 'brilliant' success at the Dragon Ruins." Taen hissed at the name. Come on. Prina didn't mind talking to men because... of personal reasons. But don't these guys think that they should've brought a female? John smirked.

"Why not? You're the best that the Abyssal Cult could offer." Prina raised an eyebrow.

"And you think that you're the best in the Sky Cult? I heard that Percy was able to give Jearn a good deed to prove himself as augur. And now your cult is faded. How sweet." John hissed.

"That's because that darn kid blackmailed him!" She chuckled at his sudden anger. Matt paused. Prina watched him. He entered way after Purple had entered as 'Paulina.' He had followed everything that he was told. This was one she had good thoughts for.

"Why won't you join us?" He struck the mark. She bit her lip.

"I have been, along with the other greats, asked by another group to help them with something. Sorry." Taen and John stared at Matt. Prina was nice to him.

"Why will you be nice to him... but you throw insults at us?" Prina chuckled.

"Because I've heard great things about him. He took guidance from Paulina and used it wisely." She glanced one last time at the water before leaving. Taen grabbed her hand.

"What are you hiding?" Prina frowned.

"A secret that hides within each of the greats and is the reason we are who we are." She pulled her arm back and left. Matt paused again.

I'll figure it out...

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