Chapter 26 - tomhollandfangirl69

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And I know my fans. They'll take it out of context, just as they always do, and spread hate or fake rumors or make up stories.

Jacob looked over my shoulder then back to his phone. "Those are already all over Twitter too."


"Anything with you, Harrison?" Zendaya asked, noticing him glance over my shoulder.

"I don't follow any of your fan pages on TikTok, so there's nothing here."

I looked at him. "I have fan pages on TikTok?"

"That's not the point here, Tom."

"Right," I muttered, turning back to my phone.

(pretend it looks like Tom)

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(pretend it looks like Tom)

"What do I do?" I asked to the three other people around me

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"What do I do?" I asked to the three other people around me. Zendaya was way more popular than me so I half hoped she had an answer.

"(Y/N), I need your phone." (Y/N) was still sitting on the couch with Stephanie when she took her phone out of her back pocket. "What's wrong?"

"Looks like you and Tom just couldn't wait till you both got somewhere private befor—"

"Too soon, Haz," Z laughed, cutting him off because she knew where he was going. "Too soon."

Rolling my eyes at the idiot of a best mate I had, I asked Daya what she was doing. "Making (Y/N)'s Instagram private. At least, for now."

"What do my fans say? Like, about her? Is it good..?"

"Will someone please answer me?" (Y/N) raised her voice slightly, though it was almost unnoticeable.

Jacob tossed his phone at her. "Here, this and a couple other pictures are going around the Internet. Know anything about it?" He smirked.

She caught his phone with her left hand, bringing it up to her face. Instantly the confused look (Y/N) had on dropped, changing into nervousness. She had her eyebrows relaxed instead of being scrunched up and was biting the inside of her lip.

"Yeah, obviously, seeing as it's me in the picture."

She handed the phone back to him.

"Your profile is secure, and ready to change back to public in, hopefully, only a couple of days from now."

"Why is it that serious anyway? You can barely even tell it's Tom, let alone me. They won't be able to find me, right?"

The four of us glanced at each other awkwardly, not knowing how to put our experiences in words.

"Our fans...sometimes they're too..."

"Protective," I finished for Jacob. "They're able to find out someone's entire life, friends, family, past relationships, address with just a few clicks, and it's a lot."

"We're not saying we don't love our fans, of course, but the moment we finally get our big break, our right to privacy just disappears." Zendaya added a weird 'poof' hand motion.

"The same thing happens to everyone around us too." Haz nodded. "They suffer the same fate of having certain moments stripped from them, always being in the spotlight."

"It's hard to explain. This, as little as it seems, is serious because they're able to find out everything about you and I'm sure you're not ready for that."

"I mean, we definitely weren't," I added, scoffing slightly. "It's just...we don't want to put that kind of stress on anyone else, let alone you."

"Just take our word for it." Harrison smiled softly at her. "Before we get too deep about this and scare you off."

I looked back down at my phone, shaking my head in worry. It brought back a certain memory of mine. I kept it hidden for most of my career because it...well...There was one time...

"I hate to break this oh-so-intriguing conversation short, but my agents want to meet up with me about something," Z said, shaking her phone, "I have to head out. But I'll see you guys at set tomorrow?"

We all nodded and said our goodbyes, Z closing the hotel door on her way out.

I stayed focus on @tomhollandfangirl69. Surely this whole thing blows away by the start of next week anyway, so there would be no point in stressing about it. Right?

"Anyone want any ice cream?" Harrison yelled from the kitchen. Somehow he snuck away for snacks, which became a pretty normal thing since we were kids. "There's chocolate, vanilla and the pink one."

"Oh! I want strawberry!" Steph said back, slightly bouncing in her seat. "Want anything, (Y/N)?"

"Uh, I think I'll have the—" She started. Then my heart stopped. No, I'm not overreacting, it was really sudden. I forgot how to breathe. My jaw had dropped and I felt like imploding. I turned slowly to (Y/N), a look of shock mirroring hers. Though her expression more laced with fear than mine.

"Aren't you going to answer that?" Jacob raised an eyebrow at her after a while, sensing the sudden tension.

Seeing as I was studying her face, I recognized her blinking back to reality, the look of alarm faded.

"Oh, uh...right." She nodded her head, reaching for her phone But then she stopped. "Actaully. I-I'd rather not. I just, I can't-"

Another thing I noticed, though I'm sure it wasn't just me, it was as if (Y/N) couldn't decide whether to breathe in or out. Like she was constantly fighting with herself on...something, and it was showing.

The ringing stopped. She sighed. She scrunched up her face and pierced through me with her sharp (E/C) eyes. "never mind. Excuse me." Then she just got up and stepped outside.

Stephanie and I just looked at each other from the different couches we were in, confusion etched on, I assumed, both of our faces. I guess she doesn't know what's going on either, I said to myself.

It must've been about ten minutes anyway, because Haz had come back with two bowls of strawberry ice cream and one of vanilla for Jacob. I was scrolling down Instagram, threatening to unfollow the fan accounts the kept reposting the original photos and videos.

But then the door slammed open, noiseless.

(Y/N) stood still, not daring to move.

And she was crying.

~End of Chapter Twenty-Six~



Hiya y'all

Hope you enjoyed this chapter ;)

K bye


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