Chapter 10 - Eggs With Ketchup, That Stupid Billy

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Tom turned to you. "Doyouwanttobemyfriendandlovem—"

"Pay for my food and I'll think about it."

And you closed the door, leaving him in the car, all alone, as you walked over to Jacob and Zendaya, to hopefully see a biker gang eating their pancakes and bacon.

"Right this way, ma'am," the waitress said to Zendaya, leading us to a table.

She led us to a booth. Zendaya got a window seat, with Jacob getting the seat across from her.

"Jacob!!" She said. "How dare you leave me."

"I'm sorry but I don't like you," he responded, smiling.

She scoffed, but then saw Tom coming to sit next to her. "Tom, if you sit with me I will murder you and eat all of your food."

"In that order?" He asked.

"I guess I'll eat all your food in front of you and then kill you." She smiled. "Your choice."

He sighed and shook his head in disappointment.

He looked at his other friend. "Hi Jacobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb..........."

"Come on, dude. I forgive you." He slightly shook his head and mouthed "nO I dOnT" when Tom wasn't looking, which you found absolutely hilarious and hid a laugh.

He muttered a "yes" before sitting down, leaving you to sit next to the one and only Zendaya.

"So why this place?" She asked.

"Hm-Oh, well, I don't really know...I just could not think of anything else. I've actually only been here like a couple times in the past decade."

"Excuse me," a low, rough voice came from the stranger standing in front of your table.

As you were turning to look, you caught a glimpse of Tom and Jacob's faces of nervousness.

It was a man in a black shirt, jeans, a leather jacket with a bandana wrapped around his head.

"Yes?" Tom spoke.

"My friends and I saw that, at your table, you had an extra ketchup bottle and, well, Billy eats his eggs...differently...and so I wanted to ask if we could borrow it, please."

"Yeah, of course!" Tom reaches across the table and grabbed the bottle.

The biker said "thanks" and went back to his seat

A/N: Fun fact, when my friends and I went shopping for Hoco Dresses, we passed an IHOP, and there was a biker gang there 😂


"Who eats their eggs with ketchup??" Jacob exclaimed.

"Billy does, idiot," Tom laughed.

"Yeah, well, Billy doesn't know how to eat his eggs," he responded, picking up a menu. "Stupid Billy."

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