Chapter 12 - Darling

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"Shit, mate..." Harrison's face was covered with either guilt, worry or nervousness. "Shit, I'm sorry."

"Haz..." I muttered through a closed jaw.



|Second Person|

It had already been about an hour and a half since Tom left, and you had completed two and a half pages of the task you were given. Which, actually, is pretty good compared to how hard it turned out to be.

Focusing back on the pages you still had left, you lost track of time until there was a tap on your shoulder and someone saying, "Hey, (Y/N)!"

"Hmm?" You spun around on your special chair. "Oh, hey, Tom."

"So enthusiastic to see me, I see," he laughed.

You noticed a blotch of dark purplish color skin near the bottom of his cheek and pointed to it; "What's that?"

"This? Oh I, well, I kind of got punched in the face."


"But you don't need to worry, it's nothing. Doesn't even hurt!" He exclaimed. "I came to see if you needed any help with the Extra-Searching anyway."

"Actually, yeah! If you see, right here..." you pointed to a random sentence on the computer screen.

He leaned in.      

...To the screen, don't get your hopes up.)

But, when he was close enough, you slightly poked his "painless" bruise.

"Ow!" He jumped back.

"I thought you said it didn't hurt." You smirked slightly, having caught him.

"I..." He smiled, seeing you smirk. "I ˡⁱᵉᵈ."

"You what? I'm sorry, I didn't hear you," you mocked.

"You heard me damn well," he laughed.

Smiling, you responded, "Did I though?"

~Time Skip Biatches~

The day was finally over. You were making sure you had everything you needed before you left. You made a mental checklist in your head.

Do I have my phone? You looked around. Wait, where's my phone..? Did I leave it here— Oh, it's in my hand. Never mind...You witnessed nothing.

Phone? Check.

Keys? You looked at your other hand. Check.

Homework? Wait, but sounds school related.. Workwork? Ew, no. Um...

Check anyway?

"Oh, I found her!" A voice exclaimed from behind you.

You turned around. "Who, me?"

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