Chapter 13 - Well Yes, But Actually No

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"Um, no, actually, we haven't." You looked at the guy. "I'm (Y/N)."

"Harrison." He smiled at you.

~Time Skip Biatches~

There was a knock on your door. You ran to open it.

"Stephanie!!!" You yelled, once you saw and made sure it was her.

"(Y/N)!!!" She hugged you.

"Come in," you told her when you were done. You had planned to spend the next hour fixing each other's hair/makeup, and just mainly catching up in general.

~Time Skip bc I have the Time Stone and no one can stop me~

You both had been talking for almost 20 minutes when there was another knock on your door.

"Are you expecting someone else?" Steph asked.

"Actually, no..." You got up to see who it was.

Opening the door, you first saw the person's curly brown hair, and immediately knew it was Tom. He had his hands in his jeans, and he was looking up at you, even though he was taller.

"Tom?" You blurted, "Hi! Whaddya doing here?"

"Um, well, Jacob told me that you also had a hotel room here and since you're invited to the party, wanted to ask you if you would be willing to help..? We still have a lot to do and need extra hands." It was after he said this that his eyes wandered and he saw Stephanie behind you. "Unless you have other matters to attend to, of course."

You turned around and before you could ask your guest what she wanted to do, she had already smiled and said, "If you want to help him, you can. Don't turn this down just because of me!"

"You know, you're free to come and help us too, darling." Tom smiled at her.

"I-I can..?"

"Of course! The more the merrier, as they say, plus the fact that we still have too much left to do, and only twenty-something minutes to do it," he laughed.

"Well, what are we waiting for?!" You motioned for Stephanie to come, then turned to Tom. "Lets do it."


Luckily, the boys' room was almost directly across from yours, but also so much bigger.

Unluckily, It also needed a ton of work, as Tom said.

Looking around, and seeing that the only things that were up and decorated were things like the basic balloons and streamers placed occasionally throughout the walls, you realized that there was more work to do than you had hoped for.

"You guys had hours! Hours!! What did you even spend it doing?!" You yelled, laughing. "There is next to nothing done here!"

"Low-key, the most exciting thing about this place is that orange balloon right there." Steph pointed to a corner in the room. It had a neon orange balloon just cooped up in there. Doing nothing.

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