Chapter 7 - Can't Wait

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You read over it a couple of times because the whole situation was still a shock to you.

It was really happening.

Here is another

~Time Skip Biatches~

For your reading pleasure. ~Author

~The Day of the Internship~

You walked out of the hotel wearing something you thought would be classy but cute at the same time: A white loose blouse and a black, almost knee-length tie-skirt. (As shown below)

 (As shown below)

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(Pretend the skirt is longer than it's shown in the picture^)

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(Pretend the skirt is longer than it's shown in the picture^)

Per-sassy had told you that he was sending a car and chauffeur to pick up and drop you off each day, unless specified otherwise by one of the staff or by you, so of course when you walked out you weren't surprised to see, what seemed like, at least, a new car standing in front of the hotel. The same attractive guy that picked you up before was standing there again.

Guess he's my new car...driver..person? You thought, still not knowing anything about cars.

As you walked up to him, he introduced himself as *insert name here* and opened the passenger door for you like a gentleman.

After getting in, it took about ten minutes, maybe fifteen, to reach the filming studio and the whole time there, the car ride was awkward until you had tried engaging into some small talk with *insert name here*. Turns out, he was very close to the main cast because they were always so friendly with people! He told you it meant that you shouldn't sweat about meeting such huge celebrities since they were people still as well.

When you walked through and saw a bunch of staff members rushing around, trying to make everything as perfect as possible, you realized that they didn't even notice you. So with that, walking up to the front desk seemed like an easy feat compared to the rest of the day. At least, compared to what you had imagined in your head.

Even though what really happened was going to be even more nerve-wracking than you could ever have imagined.

...but who's telling?...

"Uh-hi!" you stuttered to the woman at the front desk, "I'm here as-uh, I mean, because of the internship u-under Mr. Jon W-Watts. This is my first day, um, here."

"Yes, Mr. Watts should be waiting for you backstage. Go that way and it's the door on the left that's labeled 'Backstage', " she said, pointing as she gave you directions and giving you some sort of ID Badge.

"T-Thank you!"

Rushing out of her view, you finally breathed for the first time in thirty seconds. Eventually finding the door, telling yourself to "work up the guts and just open it" was a lot easier than actually completing the task.

Fingers trembling, hands shaking, breathing unsteady, mind racing–clearly stating that 'anxious' was definitely a word in your vocabulary.

Walking in to see a couple of celebrities, whom you recognized immediately, along with the one and only, Jon Watts.

Forcing your legs to walk over there, you got a smile ready and tried to quickly run over what you wanted to say in your head before inevitably messing it up.

Walking up to Mr. Watts was probably the most nerve-wracking thing you would ever do.

"Hi," you said, trying to sound confident. "I'm (Y/N) (L/N), here under the director internship...thing..?"

"Ahh, yes!" He exclaimed, smiling as he continued, "welcome!!"

He shook your hand and started saying that when everyone else came, he would introduce you.

Turns out, the first few parts of the first scene had already been shot, but you arrived late because of the earlier drama. So, Mr. Watts was explaining that, most days, you were supposed to come earlier than the actors would because he wanted you to help set up the scenes he would be directing and because he wanted to "show you the ropes" as he put it.

"So, as you can see, this hopefully will be more of a playful, learning experience rather than some sort of strict, taking-notes, school-like place where you'll be tested and graded on the material that you'll be learning! I want this to be something that you can look back on and remember as a fun but helpful or efficient, if you will, time period in which you gained valuable information that you can definitely take and use with you during your own directing career, once it takes off!" Jon had explained, seemingly very enthusiastic about the kind of mark he wanted to leave on you and how he could be an influence, in a way.

"T-Thank you!" You mustered, "this is all so amazing already!! I can't think of this experience being anything less than what you expect!"

Mr. Watts was showing you the rooms that were crucial to the directing process, and, even though this wasn't your first rodeo, showing you some of the not-so obvious basics to directing. So basically just like little tips and hacks that surprisingly weren't as obvious as they should have been.

Directors basically control certain aspects of a film when it's being made. They visualize the script and transform it into something that can be put onto a screen for (up to) billions of people to enjoy. They have a huge impact when choosing the cast, the movie design, and precise perspectives while filming. Being able to visually create something amazing, out of nothing but words, for people to actually watch and enjoy, was definitely something you wanted a career doing.

You had already met with some of the cast, but the actual stars of the movie were all meeting up the day after. So, basically, this was the first day, and you were just learning the ropes.

"Remember, if you have any questions—and I mean any—know that you're able to ask me or any of the other staff or even the actors!" Mr. Watts exclaimed before being pulled away by one of the crew members for some work-related reason.

So, now he's gone.. You thought while glancing around, looking for something to check out.

As you roamed toward the set, you found your mind wandering off, and you were thinking about how freaking awkward you'll be the next day, when meeting all of the huge actors and actresses.

Can't. Wait.

~End of Chapter Seven~



Sorry this is sooo late 😅😅 I just didn't have inspiration to finish this but I'm pretty sure it's back!! Hopefully my new schedule will be updating once every week or every other week, depending on the homework they give at high school!!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this freshly baked chapter!!!

~A. Chavez 💖

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