Chapter 3 - Quoting Hamilton onE MORE TIME

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And went to go meet up with your friends.
~Time Skip Biatches~

Luckily, Pop's wasn't very far from your house so you were able to just ride your bike there and place it in the bike rack.

Your neighborhood was small, friendly and very safe so you never needed a bike lock or anything.

The door to Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe opened with the ring of a bell and you walked in, immediately spotting your usual table, but with someone already sitting in it.

I mean, it was Neil so you were fine. He waved and smiled and you walked over to him.

"Juli not here yet?" You ask and Neil just shakes his head.

"You know how it is," he laughs, "at least one of us is always late. That time at the park, you were two hours late, then that time that Juli had to work longer than expected and arrived an hour and a half late and then that time...actually, have I ever been late anywhere with you guys?"

"Yes you have, stupid. That time we were meeting up at here, you came, like, almost an hour late!" you answered, "and then there was one time when you didn't even show up!"

You both laughed, reminiscing the memory and many others that led you to talk about a couple of different of different topic until your third friend arrived. Neil did get curious about why you had called him and Juli here, but you refused to tell him anything until both of your best friends were present.

The suddenly bell rings, interrupting Neil mid-sentence about some Series of Unfortunate Events rant, and Juli walks in, seeing both of us already here and takes a seat in our usual booth, greeting us when she came.

"Hmm, lets see, you..are," Neil pauses to look at his wrist for the time, but finds out he doesn't have a watch and checks his phone instead, holding the "are" until he continues talking again, "seventeen minutes late. Care to explain your excuse this time??"

Juli smiles, knowing he's joking, and answers matter-of-factly, "why yes, I do! You see, my one-of-a-kind mother made me clean my room before I came here—"

"So you were late because you had to clean your room? Great, that's all you had to say, no one needs to hear your excuses because we have a couple more years to endure that torture, thank you very much," Neil jokes, pretending to be (per)sassy.

"Actually, no, because of you wouLD LET ME FINISH, I was going to explain how I didn't clean my room and just sat on my bed reading fanfictions for fifteen minutes," Juli explained, seemingly happy with her response.

Neil rolled his eyes and focused back on the thing he was oh so curious about; why exactly you called your friends to Pop's.

"So are you going to explain the thing you 'neeeeeed' to tell us or was that just an excuse to hang out?" Neil laughed.

You deeply sighed, before wondering how to say exactly what you wanted to say.

"You guys remember when I told you that I applied for the director internship...thing?"

Neil gasped, "you got your letter back?!"

Meanwhile, Juli exclaimed, "you got in?!"

"Well..." you bit your lip in nervousness, clearly seeing their excitement and anticipation for your answer. "No."

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