"We've arrived." The intercom in the car buzzed.

Damien looked outside the window before taking a glance at me. There was no going back now.

I didn't wait for his men to climb out the car. I crawled on the floor towards the door and pushed my way through. We were parked at the front entrance. A few of Dominics men were standing by the side of the house, watching the car. Once we made eye contact their eyes slowly widen. They can't believe I'm here either.

I didn't wait for Damien or Dominics men to approach me. With the confidence I managed to save during this trip, I made it up the stairs and through the front door. Of course leave it to Dominic to leave the front door wide open. Foolish man.
I walked through the house with such bravery, like these men wouldn't shoot me by mistake. After everything, his workers probably think I'm a ghost because there would be no possible way I would come back to the house willingly.

I walked into every room downstairs looking for Dominic. The house was surprisingly quiet. No maids, or guards were seen in the living room, dining room, or lounge area of the home. When I entered the kitchen I saw a familiar silhouette standing by the fridge. Her back was turned to me but I knew who she was.

"Liliana?" I called out from the kitchen entrance. She turned around quickly. Her eyes widen as she dropped the plastic bowl she held in her hands. Wet batter spilt everywhere but her attention was directed at me. Soon she walked towards me and pulled me into a tight hug.

Liliana seemed tired more than usual. The bags under her eyes were dark and prominent. She seemed weak. I guess she's been working extra hard keeping the house in order since I left.

"Alessandra...you're back! What...why...does Dominic know you're here?!" She Saïd shocked. She pulled away from our tight embrace to look at me. A smile formed on her pale face as she took me in.

"It's a long story but I'm here to make things right for once. Where is he?"

"Oh honey...he hasn't been good. Not at all. We're worried about him."

"I know. I messed up by leaving. I need to make things right."

"He's in his room; the private room. It's password protected now. The code is 783162.  Please be careful. He's not himself anymore."

I smiled at Lilliana before stepping out of her arms. I walked upstairs and down the path towards Dominics private quarters. I stopped once I saw the gold door at the end of the corridor. I felt the voices coming back. I took a deep breath. Slowly I walked towards the door. I placed my ear gently on the door to listen for any sounds but all i heard was silence. There was no light shining under the door which meant the lights were off and the curtains were closed shut. He's sitting In the dark?

The keypad to unlock the door was on the wall beside the door. Nervously I entered the code.

7-8-3-1-6-2. Click.

The door unlocked and open slightly. I pushed through the door. What I saw instantly broke me down.

As I walked inside, I was surrounded by darkness like I expected. The curtains were changed to black heavy drapes and they blocked any type of sun from coming in. The room wreaked of scotch and vodka. From the small dim light in the corner I could see the pile of empty scotch bottles by his side of the bed. My heart stopped at I looked at the corner of the room where his desk was. The desk light was on but the badly lit lightbulb only revealed a shadowy figure. It was Dominic. His head was hung low with a large glass of scotch in his right hand. Papers were scattered around his desk and his laptop was smashed to millions of pieces against the floor across from his desk. His left hand tapped furiously against the wooden desk.

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