Chapter 10

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I haven't updated in a really long while and I hope my readers are still here.
M2writes Mfreaky
I've had this chapter for a while but I wasn't too sure about it. But anyways, I finally updated and I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote.

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Leanne's POV

I groaned in frustration as I watched Bastard Baxter leave. I rested my heads in my hands and supported my elbow with my knees.

I sighed heavily trying to calm my pounding heart. I just stayed like that for some minutes thinking about what I could do to save myself. Coming up with nothing, apart from the various ways to murder Bastard Baxter without getting caught, I sighed heavily again and stood up. I had to return home before it became too late.

I grabbed my things and covered my face with my hood. I opened the door gently and looked to see if anyone was on the corridor. It was pretty much empty and I walked out, passed the two bouncers by the door and took my usual walk back to my house.

As I walked, my thoughts were completely occupied with Ethan and what possible tricks he could be planning. Thirty minutes later, I got to the doorstep of my house. I brought out the key in my pocket and unlocked it. I walked into the living room and smiled when I saw the triplets playing together. Max was chasing Miles and Maja. He finally caught up with Miles and shouted, "You're it!"

Maja was giggling uncontrollably and shouted, "Stay away!" Max let go of Miles and was about to start running as well when he spotted me. He shouted, "You're back!"

He ran to me and I caught him, carrying him from the floor. He held me tight, looked at me and then gave me a peck on my cheek.

Maja ran over and pinched Max's butt and ordered him to get down. Max whined and pouted his lips. Then he glared at Maja and said, "You don't have to be so mean."

Maja rolled her eyes and replied, "Get down. I want a hug too."

I chuckled and said, "Alright, alright, no need to fight about it." I let Max go and he started to grumble.

"Now, now," I said, "Don't be greedy. Everyone deserves a hug."

Maja stuck out her tongue at Max who stuck out his in return. I shook my head and carried her as well giving her a hug.

"I missed you," she whispered. I smiled and I replied, "I missed you too."

She grinned and I grinned then dropped her down. Dropping her down, I noticed that Miles was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Miles?" I asked. They both shrugged and I moved into the kitchen. I had a huge guess and walking into the kitchen I saw that I was right. Miles was with a spoon eating out of a sugar jar like his life depended on it. I folded my hands across my chest and tapping my left foot on the floor, I cleared my throat loudly to make my presence known. Miles looked up from the jar of sugar he had been eating out of and dropped the spoon out of shock.

"Do you mind explaining yourself?" I said sternly trying to act angry even though I wanted to bawl in laughter because of his looks. He looked like a deer caught in headlights with his eyes wide as saucers. He was so cute that I just wanted to hug him and squeeze his cheeks. But I had to control myself and make sure he got the scolding he deserved. Miles had a bad habit of eating out of sugar jars and always had a terrible sugar rush afterwards.

He looked at me with innocent eyes that were had to resist.

You can't give in, Leanne, you can't. No matter how cute he is, he has to learn, I thought to myself.

"I asked a question, Miles or do I need to repeat myself?" I asked.

"I...I...I'm s...s...s...sorry", he stammered.

"I've told you, Miles, it's wrong to eat sugar like that. It's bad for your health," I reprimanded him, "Next time, I won't be so nice. Got it?"

He nodded and I smiled.

"Now come and give your big sister a big hug," I said with open arms.

He grinned and ran over to me. I picked him up as I hugged him. I carried him to the living room where Max and Maja were chasing each other. I chuckled as Maja tackled Max and both fell on the floor.

"Alright", I said, "It's time for bed."

They groaned, "Can't we stay a while longer?"

I shook my head. "It's already past your bedtime. Now move your little butts to the bathroom."

They groaned again but still obeyed. With Miles still in my hands, we moved upstairs to the bathroom where I dropped him. They all collected their toothbrushes and brushed their teeth. When they were done, they moved straight to the room they all shared and changed to the pjs. They all rushed to their different beds and I tucked each of them in. I gave them a goodnight peck on their foreheads and switched off the lights.

I looked back at them as I was to close the door and said, "No mischief you guys. Behave."

I closed the door and moved to my own room. I plopped down on the bed sighing heavily. My thoughts went from the triplets to Bastard Baxter. He really was a pain in the ass. Just then my phone rang. I picked it up and saw it was an unknown number however, I knew who it was. I answered the call and in an irritated tone asked, "What do you want?"

"Well, I'm glad to hear from you too and yes I did get home safely," he replied with sarcasm dripping from his tone.

"Well, how sad. It would have been better if you got crushed by a truck. Saves me the trouble of dealing with such an asshole."

"Wow! Your love for me is so evident in your words. I wish I loved you just as much."

I rolled my eyes and asked, "What the hell do you want from me? How did you even get my number?"

He chuckled. "Well, I have my ways. Anyway, I just wanted to inform you, the date of your first assignment isn't far off so get ready."

And with that, he hung up. I looked at my phone in disbelief. It took everything in me to not toss my phone against the wall as I groaned in frustration.

This guy was really bent on getting on my nerves. What have I done to deserve this?

I sighed and just laid on my bed staring at the ceiling wondering what the idiot had in store for me. I had to do something about him as soon as possible or else all my plans would just go down the drain.

I sighed in frustration again as I thought, Why the hell did I go for that party? Why did I even wait for him the day he told me to? Maybe I wouldn't be dealing with this if I hadn't. You're an idiot, Leanne, an idiot.

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So, I hope you liked the chapter. Please don't forget to vote and make comments. Thanks for reading.

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