Chapter 2

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Leanne's POV

The bell for the end of school rang and my heart bled with joy. I stood up quickly and packed my things as well as the other students. I left the class and went to my locker. I opened it and dropped my books, carried what I needed and slammed it shut. I turned to leave only to come face to face with a highly disgusting show of PDA. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

People really need to know when to use the toilet.

As I walked, I felt a shove on my back and the suddenness of it made me to trip. I almost fell but I caught my step. I adjusted myself and my glasses, and turned to see Ashley the bitch snickering and giggling with her minions.

This girl always manages to get on my last nerve.

I just rolled my eyes and walked away. I hurried out of school and went to the bus stop. Not long after, a bus arrived. I got in and after a few minutes, the bus arrived at another stop. I got out and walked to the triplets' school to pick them up.

I got there and saw them talking with some of their mates. I walked over to them. Miles saw me first. "Leanne!" he shouted. Maja and Max ran to hug me. I hugged them back. "Hey munchkins!"

"I'm hungry," Max whined as I let them go.

I raised a brow. "Really. You had lunch like how long ago and you're already hungry?"

He nodded his head.

I held his hand as I said, "Alright, let's go grab something to eat."

We walked to a diner and sat in a booth. A waitress walked towards us and took our orders.

As we waited, the triplets talked about their day at school. Maja was talking about how she almost punched her nasty seat mate in class for picking his nose and sticking his booger in her face. I shuddered at the thought of such a terrible sight as I tried to decide in my thoughts the size of punch he deserved. She even said that it seemed the boy suffered from some sort of salivary gland issue cause he always seemed to be drooling.

I sure felt the poor girl's pain. Who would want to be stuck with that for a year? As we talked, a disgusting-looking, crazy-looking, drunk-looking, smelly and ugly fool walked towards my table and suddenly sat beside Maja who sitting at the edge of her side of the booth.

I raised an eyebrow and asked, "What do you want?"

He didn't answer and just looked at Maja who had this 'what are the hell are you doing beside me? Get away! You stink!' look on her face.

I repeated my question and the stranger ignored me. He was so weird and sent off unusual vibes. He really acted as though he had lost it. Maja saw this as a chance to speak up and said, "Excuse me sir but what do you want? If you don't need anything then walk away mister."

He moved closer to her and bent his face really close to her face and said, "You're so cute."

I lost it and really wanted to punch some sense into him but decided against it as I really didn't have the strength for the drama it would cause especially since the triplets were in sight. So, I called for the waitress' attention. She walked towards the booth and I complained, "The man is really creeping us out. We have no idea who he is, so if you could..." I pointed to the way he was looking at Maja and she nodded her head in understanding.

She turned to him and said, "Sir, it would be better if you left this booth and went to a free one."

He just ignored her and stared at Maja like he was in a trance. This really freaked the hell out of me. The waitress called his attention again and he said, "Leave me alone."

By now, Maja was already beginning to look scared. The waitress tapped him and said, "Sir, you need to leave."

Suddenly, he stood and grabbed the waitress by her wrist. She was so shocked that she screamed and that sure got everyone's attention. I groaned internally but still I stood and intervened.

"Hey!" I called to him. He looked at me.

"What the hell is your problem?" I asked.

"Stay out of this, it's none of your business", he said gruffly.

I rolled my eyes. This guy really had an issue.

I touched his shoulder. "Look, there's really no need for you to get so aggressive."

Unfortunately, instead of my little good girl act to calm the oaf, it did the opposite by infuriating him further causing him to shout, "I said, stay out!" and push me.

Well, that push did it and I lost it. I clenched my fist and said through gritted teeth, "You really have terrible manners and I'm sure going to change that."

I gave him a punch in his stomach. He held it while groaning in pain and I banged his head onto the table knocking him out.

He actually reeked of alcohol and smoke. "Disgusting!" I hissed to myself.

I looked at the triplets who had shock written all over their faces.

"Come on, let's get out of here," I said and they stood up.

The waitress walked away or more like ran away. I grabbed our bags and as I turned to get out as fast as I could, chaos erupted. Ethan Baxter was standing not far away from the door watching with a raised brow and smirk that was trying to cover the shock on his face.

I just avoided eye contact and walked out quickly as I could with the triplets but because of where he stood, there was no way I could get out without passing him. So, I did the obvious and walked past. As I did, he whispered when I was close enough, "You've got some serious shit going on."

I stopped and looked at him with a smirk. "Hell yeah, I do!" I said and walked out of the diner.

* * * * * * * * * *

So, another chapter is up and I hope you all like it. A big thank you to @M2writes. Thanks for your support and encouragement. You should check out her books. She's a good writer.

Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment and share....

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