17 years ago

91 4 4

"MOM ! She stole my fire truck !" the boy exclaimed, tears of frustration shining at the corner of his eyes. His mom sighed, getting up from where she was chatting with other parents to help her son.

"Namjoon, it's not your truck. She can use it if she wants to," she said softly, hoping it would calm her son's anger.

"But I was using it before her !"

You turned your face towards him, frustration growing in your little heart as well. You didn't like when people screamed. It was too loud.

"Why don't you just play together ? You can share it so everyone can be happy, right ?" His mom tried again, looking at you with a pleading smile —as if your 7 years old mind would cooperate with an adult. You ignored them and just turned to play with the truck, doing your best to ignore the child's cries. What a baby, you thought.

"I don't want to play with her. She's mean."

You clenched your little fists, still turning your back on them.

"Don't say that," his mom whispered, scolding him, "You're going to play with her, whether you like it or not. Look, you like the same toys, you'll find something to talk about."

You heard the kid sigh as his mom lead him towards you. You were very much hoping they would just walk past you even though you heard their conversation, but obviously, a second later, the kid was seating in front of you with a frown on his face.

"Hi miss, what's your name ?" his mom asked with a sweet smile.

You stared at her with as much anger you were capable of at your young age, trying to show them both they weren't welcomed with you. The woman let out an uneasy laugh, patting her son's head.

"Okay, uh, this is Namjoon. I'll let you two get to know each other, alright ?" she waved at her son before walking away quickly, still keeping an eye on the both of you just in case you decided to suddenly fight. She wasn't wrong —you very much wanted to hit him at this moment.

"You're a girl, you shouldn't even like fire trucks," the boy mumbled when his mom was far enough not to hear. You looked up at him with a frown, feeling your heartbeat quicken.

"I can like whatever I want. You should try to play with some dolls, you baby," you spit out, glaring at him. He stared back with wide eyes, no word coming out of his mouth.

Funny how the worst comebacks still managed to work on children.

You smiled to yourself, content to have shut him up. You started playing with the truck again, not minding him anymore. However, after a few minutes of watching you play without a word, he broke the silence.

"Can I play with you ?"

You kept your eyes on the truck, thinking for a second.

"Please ?" he added, and you liked that. You liked being treated as equals.

"Okay," you eventually let out, pushing the truck towards him. You looked up just in time to catch his bright smile showing his dimples. He didn't seem so mean suddenly.

And that's how you spent the afternoon playing together without a care for the world, your earlier quarrel long forgotten. However, the sun started going down in the sky and the moment to say goodbye soon came.

Just as Namjoon was going to leave, his mom already waiting for him a few steps ahead, you called him with a smile.

"Namjoon !"

He turned around, his eyes finding yours easily.

"My name's Y/N," you finished with a smile, and his face lit up, brightened by a big grin.

"See you soon Y/N !" he waved before running to his mom who was watching the both of you with fond eyes.

You looked at them leaving, happy to have found a new friend on this first day of July.

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