Chapter 2

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Now I'm FourFiveSeconds from wildin'
And we got three more days 'til Friday
I'm just tryna make it back home by Monday mornin'
I swear I wish somebody would tell me
Ooh, that's all I want



Finishing the last of my files I heaved a sigh. It was Saturday and finally I could have a day off on Sunday.
Lightening up a cigar I let my thoughts wonder to how sad my life actually is.
Here I am, Alpha of Luna Rossa pack. At 124 years old I have yet to find a mate.
We Warewolves usually find our mate at 18 but guess that wasn't true for me.
I sure do age significantly slower than humans which is the reason why in Human years I'm 26 years.

The ringing of the phone brings me away from my thoughts

"Cosa è success"

"Sir I'm sorry to disturb you but I just wanted to inform you that I have sent the documents to Sensala and they said they would review it on Thursday"

"Va bene. Non disturbarmi di nuovo Per questioni semplici"

I slammed the phone down and sighed as I kept my anger in check cause I hate when people annoy me for the littlest things.

"You There? Forte? "

No answer. I sighed at my wolf. He wasn't talking to me cause apparently he smelled my mate somewhere but I listened to him and went to the place he pointed but we didn't find anyone and he took it hard upon himself.

"Non perdere la speranza. If you smelled our mate then he is here somewhere. We have been trying to find our mate since a long time ago and we will never give up. So Per favore, non perdere la speranza"

I am a part of my wolf and so is my wolf a part of me but sometimes we have disagreements which mostly he is the reason. I don't blame him though its normal for him to be always irritated and on the edge cause we haven't found our mate.


My eyes popped open as the door to my office slammed open. I growled at the intruder but my anger soon dissipated when I saw it was my sister with tears streaming down her face.

"Leandro! Non riesco a trovare Matteo!!!"

She whimpered out as she kept on crying. It took some seconds to process what she had told me but as soon as it did i leaped out of my chair and Mind linked all my pack warriors to spread out through the borders.

"Greta please calm down and tell me where you last saw him. Have faith nothing bad will happen to him"
I tried to reassure her but she kept on crying.

"His dad Antonio said he would be back day after tomorrow instead of tomorrow like it was usually planned. Matteo didn't take the news too well and ran off in his wolf form, I thought he would be back but it's been 2 hours and I've searched everywhere for him! Please help me find my son Matteo! Ple--"

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