Broken part 3 but not really

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Okay guys with no new content I am not in the DuckTales fandom anymore. I just don't like it as much and everything going on around me I don't have time for this account and want to focus on my other one. I am deleting this account unless I can find someway to change the email accout if I find another fan who actually enjoyed my writing and wants to finish it.

Below is my outline for the last chapter of broken. And feel free to skip if you don't really care lol😆

To everyone who red this and kept up with it thank you so much and I hope I'm not disappointing anyone. Thank y'all again soo much!!❤️

Their little faces keep staring at me and I can feel my hands beginning to sweat. "I guess I did promise you yesterday I would tell you what happened."

Y/n goes on to tell the triplets what happened

Some start to cry

Webby and Dewey get mad and go find umScrooe

Scrooge is confused as to how they know this

The drag him to their room

He takes one looks at the and tried to apologize

You can't stand it anymore

You say you only came here to get your things

The kids call Donald to come and pick them up

You go up to your old room and pack up everything

Leaving behind Scrooge's clothes you took and the outfit he loved to see you in most

You find old pictures and put them along with the clothes on a pile on the bed

You leave a note saying so whatever you want with this

You walk out the door and the last thing you hear is Scrooge begging you to come back.

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