Chapter 13 - Everything's Suspicious

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Two entire weeks passed without anything happening. No drama, no evil sorceresses trying to kill us, no unexpected snow days, nothing. I was quite thankful for it. But there was still something on my mind.

"I still don't get it." I told Sag and Leo as we walked out of the free period room. "Why would Ms Medea try to kill us? And how did some lady from like a few thousand years ago manage to live until now?"

Leo sighed frustratedly. "Aries, how many times do I have to tell you that I have no fucking idea?"

"Yeah," Sagittarius agreed, speaking casually. "Besides, we're not going to walk up to her and say, 'Ms Medea, why are you trying to kill us?'."

"I tell you, Master, there is no need to strike yet!" A familiar voice said from just around the corner.

We made our way there quietly, and saw Ms Medea talking angrily into her phone.

"Yes, I know that." She continued, paying no attention to us.

"I reckon she doesn't know that we're here." Sagittarius whispered to us.

Ms Medea held the phone in front of her, saying, "Okay, fine, I'll use the Holo-Image."

She pressed a few buttons on her phone, and a holograph of a man appeared on her screen. The man in the holograph had brown hair and grey eyes. He wore one of those ancient Greek tunics, with a quiver of arrows and a bow slung on his shoulder.

He looked around before facing Ms Medea. "So this is where you decide to stay, Medea. Interesting choice."

"There are many fallen stars and heroes here as well," Ms Medea snapped. "My ex-husband included."

"Ah, so you haven't yet had a chat with dear old Jason." The man sneered.

"Well, I'm forced to speak with him during the staff meetings. I don't have time to recruit him." Ms Medea was obviously annoyed, but I wondered how she could resist the urge to smash her phone to pieces.

"You will." The man insisted. "In fact, go speak to him now. Slip a love potion in his coffee or anything that will make him talk to you."

"Of course, Master Orion." Ms Medea replied with an evil twinkle in her violet eyes. She brushed her fingers through her jet black hair as the holograph vanished.

All of a sudden, she turned to look at us, but Leo pulled Sagittarius and I back so she wouldn't see us.

"Strange." We heard Ms Medea say. "I could've sworn that-"

I didn't hear the rest of her sentence, because Leo dragged us into an empty classroom on the twelfth floor.

"Did you hear her?" He asked. There was a look of anxiousness that I've never seen on his face before.

"Sure did." Sagittarius responded. "Do we know a Jason in this school? Maybe a teacher?"

I thought for a while. Whoever this Jason person was, we'd better talk to him before Ms Medea did. Then it hit me.

"Guys," I said. "We'd better go pay our social studies teacher a visit."


"Good afternoon Aries." Our social studies teacher, Mr Jason Argonautica, looked up and said. "I see you've brought Leo and Sagittarius as well."

"Sir, we just want to ask something." Leo said.

"What is it?" Mr Argonautica asked, looking him in the eye.

Sagittarius spoke up. "Do you have any idea what Ms Medea is up to?"

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