Chapter 9 - Detention

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I sat down next to Leo during lunch. He was looking at his phone with his headphones plugged in, whispering something to himself which I couldn't understand.

"Leo?" I tried to get his attention, but his eyes were fixed on his phone screen.

"Leo!" I shouted.

Leo took the earbuds out of his ears. "What?" He asked, clearly annoyed.

"Whatcha looking at now?" I asked, trying to get a peek of his phone screen.

"Just something" Leo muttered to himself, but loud enough that I could hear as well. "What did you want to tell me?"

"Well now, I got detention." I grumbled.

Leo didn't look up to face me. "And?" He asked.

"I said something silly in class today." I explained. "Then the teacher, who was annoyed, pointed a ruler at me and said, 'At the end of this ruler is an idiot.'."

I received another "And?" from Leo.

"And I wanted to be funny, so I replied, 'Which end of the ruler are you referring to?'." I continued explaining.

I would expect Leo to laugh, maybe even crack a smile.

Instead, he lifted his head to look at me, and said, "Which teacher?"

"Ms Medea." I sighed. "I don't really want to pitch a fit about a teacher, but she's the worst teacher ever. She doesn't even teach us and she expects us to know ever-"

I was cut short by Leo, who quickly interrupted my sentence. "Ms Medea? I'm having detention with her too, today during free period."

"No way! Me too!" I exclaimed. "Hey, maybe we can play a prank on Ms Medea during the detention and-"

"No." Leo said, looking at me. His voice sounded really serious, so I immediately decided to shut up. "I got detention with her last time because I forgot to do my science homework, and she made me do it during the detention. While I was doing it. I heard her saying something. I recorded it."

He offered me an earbud. I put it in my ear as Leo started the video. In the video, Ms Medea was at the front of the science classroom we had class in. Her back was facing Leo's camera, and even though she was trying to talk silently, I could still hear her word for word.

"Master Orion." She said. I then realised that she was talking to her phone. "Yes, the Zodiac Signs are still in Earth. They're teenagers, still unbelievably stupid. I haven't had the need to kill them just yet."

"Zodiac Signs?" I asked Leo. He made a signal telling me to be quiet and listen to the rest of the video.

I kept watching the video. Ms Medea turned around, and I heard a sound, the sound of a phone being dropped onto a table. Ms Medea kept talking. "Yes, yes, I know their names. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. I have one of them here right now. No, no, he hasn't annoyed me just yet. None of them suspect anything. They don't know about me being an all-powerful sorceress or anything. I await your orders, sir. We will rid the universe of the Zodiac Signs, and soon the entire universe will be under my- our control!"

The video ended, and I was in shock. "So our science teacher is trying to kill us?"

"Assuming that we are the Zodiac Signs, yes." Leo answered.

"What are we going to do?" I asked.

"There's only one thing to do now." He said, with a serious look on his face. "We're going to discover the truth."

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