Chapter 4~Something strange~

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Hey everyone! So sorry for being busy. A while ago I decided I wanted to write many many stories. I have so many ideas. But I decided that I can't do that if I don't finnish Toxic. I promise this story will finish. But I have a few ideas. Read the end of the chapter to see them.

The next day the other distracted Virgil, they decided to play a game. Though Logan didn't because he wanted to keep an eye on Thomas and make sure he got the right pills. Virgil found it odd that the others suddenly wanted to play a few board games.

He didn't bring attention to his concern as he played his last card in uno."Beat you again princey. Man, you picked the game and expect to win, think again." Virgil smirks as Roman glares.

"Your just lucky! How about we play again!" Roman says, getting rather competitive. Virgil glances at the clock, he thinks for a momment. He decided that one more game wouldn't hurt.

"Sure, eager to get you princely butt kicked again aren't you?" Virgil teases, earning a huff from the creative side. A new game began and Patton gave everyone their cards. The dad side smiles, though there was a worried glint in his eye.

Thirty minutes went by, enough time for Thomas to head home, take his pills for the day, and hide them from Virgil. When the game ends, won by Patton, Logan walks into the room.

"Sorry I missed out Patton. I finished my work, for now at least. Hello Virgil how are you?" Logan stands by the anxious side, hand on hip.

"I'm fine..?" Virgil found it odd, he didn't ask Patton or Roman. Something was up, but mabye he was just over thinking it. The pills hadn't kicked in yet. As he was thinking, Logan was speaking with the other two. Patton smiles widely as he cleans up. Virgil looks up and watches as Patton tackle hugs Logan, he watches as the logical side gets flustered and tries to shove Patton off.

"Sorry L, I can't help you. Anyways I'm heading to my room. Just call me if you need me." Virgil does his signature wave good bye, his bangs fall infront of his eyes as he does so. When he sinks out, he appears in his room. His first reaction is to flop on the couch and grab his headphones.

As he reaches for the headphones, he freezes. He feels strange, like the feeling of dread and anxiety dissapeared. He stops what he is doing to look around the room."Thats...odd." He felt like he should be panicking at this but he can't bring himself to.

Before he gets a chance to question it again, or get the others, he doubles over in pain and groans. He feels a sharp pain in his stomach, his whole body heating up as if he was sick. His head is pounding, he doesn't know what to do. He hears a scream, has pretty sure it came from him. No one else heard it. The world around him starts to fade to black, as his eyes close. Soon enough the anxious side was passed out in his room, his headphones left untouched.

So that was the Chapter! So here are my ideas.
1. Analogical AU with scientist Logan and Virgil, his assistant.
2. Remile stories(I love this ship)
3. There is a story I wanna write, it's a surprise to everyone. I got permission to write it, it's from someonelses AU.
4. I wanna work on my oneshot book

~Toxic~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora