Chapter 13-A

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Visiting the police station as a guest versus a criminal were two very different experiences. The former, Madison received friendly smiles and offers of confectionary treats. The latter got her a whole lot of scowls and escorted bathroom breaks.

She fidgeted with the end of her t-shirt as Detective Marks took another sip of coffee. They were sitting at his desk, seated much like Madison had been with his son earlier that afternoon. With him parked in front while she sat parallel facing him.

“Now let’s go over this again, Madison, from the start. How did you get these coins?”

She sighed. This was the third time re-telling she’d done so far. The first had been to her mother. After calling her from school, they decided to convene at their house. Madison sat her mother down in the family room and succinctly described her brief exploit in stealing. She could see the shock in her mother’s face that quickly turned to anger. However, her mother didn’t yell. She didn’t scream. She reigned in her fury and disappointment, saving it for another time. Instead, her mother shocked her by kissing her forehead and telling her how proud she was for coming forth. Then she ushered Madison into the car and drove her to the police station.

It was during the second re-telling that her father showed up. She saw him out of the corner of her eye looking harried and concerned. He marched up to her mother and demanded to know what was happening. She steered him off to the side and explained the situation while Madison answered Detective Marks’ questions.

During the entire process, Madison never mentioned names or alluded to the members of FEC, no matter how hard Detective Marks pushed her. She was proud of sticking to her guns and keeping her promise to Avery. Her ex-friend may not appreciate the gesture now, but she would when she calmed down and thought about it.

It was close to two hours before Detective Marks let her stand up and take a small break. She stretched her limbs and excused herself to the bathroom. Of course her mother followed her. She’d stuck close by since the minute they entered the station. She didn’t know whether it was to keep tabs on her or because she wanted to listen in on the interrogation. Knowing her mother, probably a combination of both. 

She was washing her hands when her mother moved from the wall to stand next to her. The rigid manner of her shoulders and the firm line of her mouth indicated she had something unpleasant to say. Madison held onto the porcelain sink and braced herself.

“It’s those friends of yours, isn’t it? They’re the ones that got you into this mess.”

“Mom, I’m not discussing this with you. I already told Detective Marks all that I know.”

“I knew there was something fishy about them. I felt it the moment they came over. I should never have let you go to Homecoming with them.”

“Mom….” Madison hung her head. She didn’t want to hear this, not right now. She had enough to deal with without her mother’s antagonist views.

“It’s that girl in the glasses—Kelly, right? Was she the one who pressured you into doing this? Did they threaten you somehow? Blackmail you?”

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