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Alice's POV

The cabin was quiet for the past week, Toby and Eddie were still shaken up after the deaths of our three heroes, they wouldn't talk, and I could even hear Eddie crying in bed a few times.

I woke up from a long sleep one morning, and turned to see that Jeff was gone, I looked at the time and it said 10:30am and I sat up , I climbed out of bed and put a dressing gown on.

I walked out of the bedroom and into the living room to see Toby and Eddie sitting on the couch, watching tv, "hey guys, have you seen Jeff anywhere?" They turned their heads and Toby said "h-he went out".

I nodded and went to get showered and dressed, I then went outside and walked around the forest, I wasn't afraid to walk around the forest anymore, ever since we killed Slender Man, I called for Jeff's name.

I realized where Jeff was so I went to the place where we kissed, we buried Jack, Liu, and Eva there, heaven knows why we didn't bury Sally in that area.

When I got to the openings I entered the field of daisies and saw Jeff sitting there, I went through the daisies and sat next to him, I saw the three tombstones in front of us, then I looked at Jeff.

"Hey" I said quietly,  Jeff looked at me and smiled sadly "hi, what are you doing here?" "I was looking for you" I told him, Jeff sighed then said "I just can't believe Slender Man's gone" I chuckled quietly "you can go back to being a ruthless killer again".

"No" Jeff said unexpectedly "I'm done with killing, I've lost too much to go back now, that's why I took the hoodie off, to get rid of the reminder of how evil I was, I'm done taking innocent lives".

My eyes widened in surprise "you're going to quit? Why? I mean, I'm glad, but why quit now?" "Because of you Alice, you made me see what I had become, you made me empathize again, you made me...human again ....".

Jeff nudged closer to me and put his arm around me before he pulled me close, I rested my head on his shoulder, after a few minutes we heard footsteps and Toby and Eddie sat next to us on each side.

Toby didn't have his brown jacket on, and he wasn't wearing his mouth guard and goggles, and Eddie was wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans,"I-I'm just glad that Slender Man's gone" Toby said "we can finally lives in peace" I nodded and looked at the tombstones "I'm going to miss them" I said quietly "me too" Eddie said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

We all looked up at the sunrise, we could finally live our lives peacefully, then a thought came to mind "hey guys, what are we going to do about the mansion now that Slender Man is gone?".

Jeff shrugged "maybe it could be a hideout for my cult?" "That's another thing" I pointed out "what are your worshipers going to say if they find out you don't kill anymore?".

"I have no idea, but hopefully they'll follow the "Never meet your heroes" advice" I chuckled and we all looked at the rising sun, we had done it, we defeated the monsters of the under-realm, Slender Man was gone, and we won the war, we could finally live our lives peacefully.....


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