chapter 3

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Alice's POV

I gasped on the inside at what Slender Man had said, I couldn't believe what I was hearing, kill Jeff? I couldn't do that, so I asked "why are we going to kill him?".

"Because, he killed a fellow killer who lived in the mansion, we kicked him out and planned to kill him, but he got away, this happened a month before you were adopted".

I gulped, I knew he was talking about Clockwork, then Slender Man said "you will do as I say, you'll be with Masky and Hoodie" I was horrified at the thought "what?! But I hate those guys" I protested "too bad, you need to learn to be a killer and be trained by my proxies, all the other killers and monsters will come too".

I bowed my head "yes sir" i mumbled, but then I had an idea if I find Jeff before Masky and Hoodie do, I can warn him about these guys trying to kill him.

A few minutes later, we were all together and went outside, I was with Masky and Hoodie "alright my proxies, when I say go, run off and start the hunt for Jeff, the last I saw him, he was somewhere in the forest, now  GO!".

We all ran off into the forest and Masky and Hoodie ran beside me, I saw a figure behind the trees and ran in the opposite direction "Jeff!" I called out "where are you?!".

Jeff turned around and I bumped right into him, I almost fell but Jeff caught me "whoa now, what's the rush about?" He asked, I looked straight at him "Jeff you have to go, Slender Man sent his killers and his proxies to kill you, you have to get out of here".

"Oh relax" Jeff said "I can take on a few of Slender Man's goons" suddenly I heard footsteps and Masky and Hoodie came out of the bushes and I quickly pulled away from Jeff, "what's going on here?" Hoodie asked.

"Oh hi guys, I found Jeff and I was just about to kill him" I said before whispering in Jeff's ear "play along" Jeff silently nodded, I turned to him, pulling out my gun.

"Alright Jeff, are you ready to die?" Jeff put his hands in the air and I closed my eyes before pulling the trigger, I opened my eyes to see that Jeff had dodged the bullet and had run off, my plan was to make it look like I had missed Jeff for him to escape.

"What the hell was that?" Masky demanded "what? I missed" I lied, "no you didn't" Hoodie said angrily "you let him get away, didn't you?" I bowed my head " I'm going to have to report this to Slender Man " Masky told me, and he and Hoodie disappeared.

The walk back to the mansion was extremely nerve wracking, I was afraid of what everyone would think, would Slender Man kill me? I walked towards the front door and opened it to reveal Slender Man standing at the front entrance.

"What did you do?!" Slender Man boomed, I quietly stepped inside and closed the door "Masky and Hoodie told me that you let Jeff the killer get away! Is that correct?".

"Y-yes" I said quietly "why?!" Slender Man demanded "b-because he's my friend" I said sadly "I couldn't just kill him, I like him" Slender Man was quiet for a moment before he said "you will go to your room! I've had enough of you and your refusal to kill, I am considering your disposal for your constant disobedience!".

I ran to my room as tears ran down my face, I slammed my bedroom door shut and locked it before sitting on my bed, I pulled out a picture from my bag of my parents and pressed it against my chest while sobbing.

"Oh Mom, Dad! What happened to you guys?! I miss you" I sniffed before I heard a small knock on my window, I looked up and saw Jeff, I crawled on my bed towards the window before opening it "what are you doing here?" I whispered.

"I came to see you" Jeff replied before climbing through the window "but Slender Man or any of the other killers could catch you" I whispered "nah, it's fine-" then he cut himself off "what's wrong?" He asked, noticing my gear stained face.

"What do you mean?" I asked, quickly wiping my tears away "you've been crying, haven't you?" Jeff questioned, suddenly a lump came in my throat and more tears came down "hey, it's okay, what's wrong?" Jeff asked, he then looked a the picture of my parents "oh, I see now".

Jeff sighed and sat next to me "I'm sorry you lost them" he whispered before cupping my face in his hands, he brushed away my tears with his thumbs and pulled me close to him.

Jeff wrapped his arms around me and I pressed my face into his shoulder and cried quietly "it's okay, it's alright, don't cry" Jeff whispered, he rubbed and patted my back for a few minutes before we pulled away.

"I know you miss them, I do too" Jeff told me "they were the closest thing Liu and I had to real parents, our parents were always neglecting us" Liu? I thought to myself didn't Jeff kill Liu?

Jeff noticed the confused look on my face "no I didn't kill Liu, that's just gossip, Liu is actually a book author now, he wrote a book about me, and I have a weird cult called Jeff's killers.

I tilted my head "a cult? How did you get one of those?" Jeff chuckled "they're people who have similar family problems as mine, they're my followers, if only I could meet them one day".

I was about to say something but I heard a knock on the door "Alice? C-can I come in?" Toby's voice said "oh shit" I whispered before looking at Jeff "get out of here" I whispered "no one can know you were here".

Jeff nodded and quickly climbed out of the window and ran off, I got off my bed and unlocked my bedroom door.

the proxy daughter (A creepypasta fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now