chapter 2

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??? POV

I watched as a beautiful, blonde girl with blue eyes walked through the forest, for some reason she looked familiar, I could've sworn I'd seen her before, so I follow her behind the trees until she reached the end of the forest, damn, I can't be seen in public during daylight, I walked back into the forest and waited for her to come out.

Alice's POV

I wandered into town, this was the first time I walked into town while not going on a killing mission, I sighed and looked around, I was thinking about telling someone about my "family" but I decided not to because someone might arrest me for murders I didn't do, or they might not believe me.

I walked across the road and went into an ice cream shop, it was refreshing not being with a bunch of killers and monsters, I ordered a mint choc chip ice cream and looked out the window.

"What happened to you guys?" I asked myself, referring to my old parents, I barely remembered my past but I vaguely remembered my parents, suddenly a boy came and sat next to me before saying "hi what's up?".

"Oh nothing" I said quietly, hoping that this boy would go away "what's your name?" He asked " my name is Alice Thompson, What's yours?" The boy stuck out his hand "my name is Edward Locklear, my parents are surgeons".

I shook the boy's hand and took a full look at him, he had long-ish black hair, really dark, olive skin, and blue eyes, he was handsome, should I tell him about my family? (No, there's nothing romantic between these two).

I pulled my hand away and the waiter came to the table with my ice cream, I ate it and Ed smiled "what's your family like?" He asked, I looked up in shock, I didn't know how to tell him, he might think that I'm crazy and turn me on to the authorities.

"Oh, they're something" I told him, Ed tilted his head in confusion "right, that means something's up with them, are they abusing you? Neglecting you?" He asked.

"They're neglective" I went on, only half lying "they never listen to me and some of them don't get along with me" I told Ed, only leaving out the serial killer part.

Ed's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open "oh dear" he said "does anyone else know?" I shook my head "no, they aren't my real family, something happened to my real parents and I can't remember what happened to them ".

I finished my ice cream and stood up "well I'd better be going, my "dad" will kill me if I'm late" Ed looked concerned "okay but here's my address if you need help".

Ed gave me a piece of paper with the address "142 Mandeville road" and he left, what just happened? I thought to myself did a random stranger just give me his address?.

I walked out of the ice cream shop and headed back into the forest, I walked a few miles away from the exit of the forest until I hear a voice behind me say "hello there Blondie".

I turned around and gasped at what I saw, there was a boy with a white, blood stained hoodie and long black hair, the right side of his face had a blue eye and a big smile, but the left side was blood red and the left eye was just a white, blank bulb.

He smiled at me and said "hi there, what's your name?" I backed away, but when I looked on the right side of the face, he looked familiar "my name is Alice, what's yours?".

The boy took a step forward and said "my name is Jeff" he tilted his head and rubbed his chin "you look familiar, have we met before?" My mouth dropped open "I can say the same about you".

Jeff took another step forward "where do you live?" I looked at him "I live in a big mansion with Slender Man, but I used to live in Mandeville with my parents before they disappeared while we were camping".

Jeff looked surprised, his eyes widened "that's right, Alice, you and I used to be neighbours, I thought you had died in that forest along with your parents, everyone did, including Liu".

Suddenly everything came back to me "that's right, Jeff, on my god! I remember everything!" I ran towards Jeff and hugged him, he hugged back and we pulled away "I have to get back to the mansion" I told Jeff "Slender Man will kill me if I'm late".

"Slender Man?" Jeff questioned "Alice, Slender Man is bad news" what Jeff said gave me chills and suddenly I was mad at what he said "and who says you aren't any different? You're a killer".

"Slender Man is worse than me Alice, I mean it....He used me and I ran away from the mansion after I killed a killer called CLockwork, Slender Man tried to kill me so I ran off" (okay so Clockwork won't be in this story but at least she gets a reference).

"So it was you who-" suddenly I gasped "I have to get back to Slender Man" I turned around and ran back to the mansion "no wait Alice!" I heard Jeff shout, but I didn't listen.

I ran to the mansion, opened the door and went inside before closing the door,  I got chills when I heard the voice of Slender Man say "where have you been Alice?".

I turned towards him and said "I went out" Slender Man looked at me and said "well we're going out again, we're going on another mission, you missed the meeting earlier so I'll tell you now....we're going to kill Jeff the killer".

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