Chapter 12

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Roxy couldn't sit still. Spending a lot of time alone with nothing but your own thoughts and some indistinguishable buzzing sound coming from the hallway was overbearing for someone like Roxy. She sat up straight and stared at the door of their dorm for a few seconds.

The mission was approaching. There was nothing she could do anymore to prepare herself better, and there was nothing left to hope for, except to see her family again. That was the only thing guiding her through all of this, throughout all of those years of preparations. Her family was her only hope and she didn't feel prepared. At all. But she was unaware that everyone felt the same way, that everyone doubted themselves and their ability to participate in the bloody battle.

Roxy got up on her feet and went over to the closet to change into something more comfortable. A purple workout top and leggings would do. She tied her hair up in a ponytail and went through the strands with her fingers a few times. She did a short warm-up in the dorm, before finally closing the door behind her and heading for the gym.

The gym was empty and hauntingly silent when she walked in, her limbs craving more sleep and rest. But, there was no giving up. Spending time in the dorm and underestimating yourself won't help; exercise and combat practice will.

Listening only to the echo of her steps as she jumped back and forth and punched the bag dangling from a hanger on the wall, Roxy fought to stay concentrated and determined to survive everything that comes along once they come back home to Earth. She was imagining the battle scenarios in her head, her footsteps accelerating and her punches getting firmer and harder. The more she tried to fight the fear of death as it crept in and clawed its way into her bones, resolved to make her give up, the harder she punched the bag. She finalized her punching session with one last leg kick, when Luca walked into the gym.

She turned around at the sound of his sports bag hitting the cold laminate floor. With her body covered in sweat and panting, she smiled through the burning aches in her tender muscles.

"What the hell are you doing here? Aren't you at the theater?" Roxy asked, taking off her boxing gloves.

Luca smirked. "What the hell are you doing here?"

She smirked too, but unbeknownst to him, ironically. "I've figured out that I'd spent almost six years on this planet fooling around and laughing at the thought of being a world savior. A few days ago I realized the joke wasn't funny anymore. Actually... it never was. This shit is serious and if I don't prepare myself for combat enough, then how the hell am I supposed to protect my family from those ugly Letanians?"

Luca nodded, glancing at the ground. She knew he understood.

"In that case... We should both practice tonight," he said as he put on his wrist guards, "and see if we're worthy of saving the world or not."


The theater where the contest was taking place was full by the time it was Stephanie King's turn to come out on stage. She was nervous and agitated, her hands trembled with every second that passed and her throat was dry. She was nowhere near that confident and spirited young woman, who was ready to compete in a beauty and talent contest against the aliens.

After she saw how peculiar and otherworldly alien girls coming from different corners of Tathuna galaxy were, she began to question if her snow white complexion, charming curls and ocean blue eyes were enough to dazzle the public. She peeked behind the curtain, waiting for her turn to come out on stage and checking if Leah was sitting nearby. Looking at her approving and soothing eyes would make all of this easier for her.

The clock was ticking in her perturbed mind as she held onto the curtain with shaky hands. Mrs. Peterson approached her, resting her hand on Stephanie's back. Her warm smile stopped the mental clock ticking and anxiety started to subside.

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