Chapter 6

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Angels, Walkers, Weeping Angels. They were all here. And there was no telling what would come next. A walker had already torn into someone, and the Weeping Angels appeared to be taking people at a rapid rate. We could stop the walkers, but we had no defence against the stone creatures that were the Weeping Angels. They were one of the deadliest beings in the universe, and the world was now vulnerable to them. I didn't know what to do.

"So what's our next move?"

I looked up, breaking away from my troubling thoughts. Dean was sitting on the couch across from me, waving his hands at me. "What?"

"What do we do now? There's gotta be more we can do now we got Cas."

"We wait for another monster to pop up. And while we wait, we can try and figure out what caused this." I instructed, awkwardly fumbling with my fingers.

"This is the most boring fight in the world." Dean complained.

"It's not a least not yet anyway."


Several days had gone by and we were still no closer to tracking down the source of all this. There had been no more monsters, no more hunters. It had been completely silent, and it was driving me crazy. I stumbled down the stairs to find Dean passed out on the couch. Castiel was standing over him, watching him closely as he slept. Fortunately for us, my Mom had gone out of town for a couple weeks. If she had seen this, I'd be dead right now. "God, you reek of alcohol." I groaned, sinking down into the empty seat beside Dean. He must have heard my complaints as he slowly pulled himself upright, narrowing his eyes at me. He must've been pretty out of it still, as he'd not yet noticed Cas standing over him. I smirked, waiting for him to realise he was being watched. When he finally spotted Cas, he almost fell off the couch. "Dammit, Cas! I told you to stop doing that."

Castiel looked confused. "But Dean, I have a duty to ensure your safety."

"I think I was pretty safe passed out on the couch."

"Well then I apologise." Cas said, sitting down on the couch opposite us.

"So, has anything come up?" Dean questioned.

I shook my head. "Nope."

"Great. That's just great."

"Maybe this is the last of it. Maybe it ended with Cas showing up."

"Alright, well have you found anything out about what caused all this."

"Nope. But maybe that's okay, ya know. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you stayed."

"No. No no no. I gotta get back. I've gotta go back for Sam."

I just nodded. I always envied the relationship between the Winchester brothers. They were so loyal to each other. Not to mention the fact that they'd sacrifice themselves for each other. It often made me sad to be an only child. So I respected Dean's choice to go back to his brother.


"So what the hell are we doing?"


"Yeah, I know we're walking. But why aren't we doing research?" Dean paused for a moment. "Wow, never thought I'd ever say that."

"Well you're clearly hungover, so I thought maybe some fresh air would do you some good, whilst Cas does some research."

"Huh, cool."

"What the shit?!" A familiar voice suddenly said. We turned around and I felt my throat tighten. Fear began to consume my body as I stared at the sinister figure standing just metres away from us. This was far from over. I watched with wide eyes as Negan swung his bat behind him, an angry expression on his face. That was when I realised. Whilst I saw Negan, Dean saw John. He was his father. "Dad?" He choked out, staring painfully at the man who held the image of his deceased father.

A menacing grin spread across his features as he practically laughed at Dean. "Dad? Son, I ain't your Dad."


"Dean, he's right. This man's not your dad. He's called Negan...and he's an asshole."

I looked over to Dean, who was now smiling slightly. "So basically my dad."

Negan scowled at me. "You don't even know me."

"You're right, I don't know you. But I know that bat you're holding is called Lucille. And I know you named it after your dead wife."

"Well shit! Ain't you a smart ass! How the hell do you know so much about me?"

"Because you're a character...from a TV show."

He just laughed. "Yeah, okay."

"Fine, you don't have to believe me. Just try not to kill anyone whilst you're here."

"Excuse me?"

"I know how you operate. You use murder as a way of controlling people."

A wide grin appeared on his face as I said that. "Yeah."

Dean just shook his head. "Wow. You are one crazy son of a bitch."

"Aw, I like you too."


Just a heads up, I'll be adding Kol Mikaelson into the story in the next chapter. I thought it'd be interesting to throw a psychotic vampire into the mix aha.

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