Chapter 5

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"Just don't...blink." My heart was hammering in my chest as I stared at the stone figure that was just inches away from me. The only reason we were in this mess was because Dean had insisted we go and investigate the missing persons reports.

"Why can't I blink? It's a damn statue."

"It's not a statue. It's a Weeping Angel."


A few hours earlier...

"Come on. I just think we should check it out, ya know?"

I looked up at Dean, who was wandering around my living room, a half empty beer bottle encased inside his fist. He'd almost cleared out my fridge, and it had only been a couple of hours. But I guess I should've expected it. After all, this was Dean Winchester. "Dean, people go missing all the time. It's nothing out of the ordinary."

"I know, but what if it's one of these damn creatures that you brought to life."

"I'm pretty sure I'd know if one of the made up monsters was taking people. Besides, half of these people went missing months ago. It can't be related to all this."

He stopped pacing around the room and sank down onto the couch. "What if these people are being taken from time?"


"Think about it. Literally any supernatural creature could be roaming the Earth right now. What's to say that that monster can't time travel?"

"Still not following."

"Okay, well there's been at least twelve people who've gone missing over the past few months. And that can't be normal. And if the thing you brought to life can time travel, then it can take people even from a few months back."

"Okay, fine. Maybe you have a point."



I could feel my eyelids growing heavy as I desperately tried to keep my eyes open. If I got sent back in time, then these monsters would remain here, with no way of stopping them. Dean was still standing beside me, a confused look on his face. "What the hell is a Weeping Angel?"

"One of the most deadly creatures in the universe. If it touches you, it'll send you back in time."

"Well why can't I blink?"

"Because it can only move when you're not looking at it. So don't blink."

"Well what the hell are we supposed to do?"

I shrugged. "I don't know."


As I stood there, completely still, I tried desperately to supress the intense feeling of fear that was growing inside me. The Weeping Angels were the one thing that scared me the most. I would have nightmares about them, and now they were here, right in front of me. We could run, but there was no telling whether the angel would come after us. And if any of us turned away, we'd be dead. But just as I was beginning to run out of ideas, I heard a familiar voice. It was the one voice that projected hope. "Dean? What's going on?" It was Castiel.

"Hey Cas. I'll uh...I'll explain later. But could ya zap us outta here first?"

No more words were exchanged between them and within seconds, we'd moved to a completely different location. The Weeping Angel was gone and the only thing that surrounded us was grass and trees. Whilst Dean immediately began explaining the situation to Cas, I was still struggling to adjust. My head was spinning. "Hey, you okay?"

I looked up to see Dean standing in front of me, his hand gently gripping my shoulder. I shook my head, blinking a few times. "Uh...yeah...I just feel..."

"Disorientated." Castiel simply stated. "It can have that affect on humans."

I nodded slightly, still trying to block out the dull ringing in my ears. When I finally managed to compose myself, I stared up at Castiel. He was real. He was here. As I studied the angel, I found myself scanning every aspect of his outfit with wide eyes. Everything was the same, even that damn trench coat--which was super sexy by the way. Castiel was standing right in front of me. I just couldn't believe it. This whole situation was just bizarre.

"Dean, what was that thing?"

"Uh...a Weeping Angel? I think she called it."

"She is standing right here." I said, interrupting them.

Castiel just turned to me, a confused look on his face. "Who are you?"

"I'm Quinn."

He just awkwardly leaned forward. "I'm Castiel. I'm an Angel of the Lord."

"Uh, yeah. I know."

Castiel shot me a confused look. "Excuse me?"


"I...don't understand how I can be from a television show. I'm an angel."

I paused for a moment. How would I explain to him that I caused this? "It's...hard to explain."

"Hey, Cas. Do you think you could zap us back to her house?" Dean suddenly asked. I was right here, yet he still continued to exclude me from his conversations with Castiel. I should've expected it. After all, they were practically in love with each other. The rest of the world seemed to just fade away when they were together. Castiel agreed to take us back to my house, but it was clear he was still trying to adjust to this whole television thing.


"So none of this is real." Castiel was still very confused. Dean, however, appeared to be more open minded.

"Well, technically it is real. It's just that you're not real, except right now you are." I was trying my best to explain this, but it was simply too complex to even put into words. Yes, they were all here because of me. But nobody really knew how. All I knew is that I woke up one morning to find that my favourite shows were no longer shows anymore, and were in fact, reality.

Castiel stared at me, appearing to be in deep thought. "So, something has brought us to life. And somehow, it's linked to you."

I nodded. As we talked everything through, I slowly felt the little control I had left slipping through my fingers. No one knew how this had happened, and no one knew how to stop it. What were we going to do?

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