cheers to new beginnings

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hello dear reader it's your girl Aurora here. As it comes to my attention that you are reading my story, well guess what  ? since you have decided to read are you ready to ride the roller coaster formerly known as life with me? if yes you have to come to read the right book. 

My life has changed drastically and as a girl that had to take a gap year, I think this is the best way to document the craziness that is happening in my life. 

Now that all of this is out of the way allow me to introduce myself. I'm aurora which let's just stick to A from now, shall we? I am 20 years old. I would love to tell you more about myself, but you shall figure that out as you continue to read. That isn't so nice of me to do, but as you keep on reading you will know why I have chosen to do that.  

So, welcome to the sea of my thoughts. I'll be sharing the good, the bad and the ugly with you so buckle up the story is about to start. 

New beginnings are exciting but can also be scary...

Sometimes I sit and think between me and myself about everything that I have done in my life. Okay now I sound like a psychopath, I haven't done anything bad. On the contrary, I feel like I have done nothing significant. I was indeed a full-time student, small business owner, and volunteer but that's not the kind of "I haven't done anything significant in my life" that I am talking about. I am talking about the crazy experiences that everyone wants to have or has already had like partying till 6 am with your besties or traveling with your best friends and so much more.  I've always been the kind of person to devote 110% of my existence to work and being on top of everything that I have forgotten to enjoy what life is truly about. 

Now that I have moved to a whole new country and I am obliged to take a gap year as  when I arrived it was too late to enroll in uni. However, let's look at the positive side of things, maybe God did this for a reason so that I can truly take time for myself and find myself and know who I truly am.

I have always wanted to move abroad as my country has given me nothing but pain, the society is also pretty close-minded and I just felt like I could never fit in between all these people. I just can't identify as one of them. I  was also  kind of heart  broken and I just wanted to leave and restart my whole life so I did. It all sounds too good to be true until I had to face reality which was that if I left I cannot take any of my privileges with me which truly meant I had to start fresh from 0. No money, unfinished degree, and not the most stable mental health. I was truly crazy to believe that I should do that or that I even could but I did it anyway. I don't blame you if you think I'm crazy but trust me if you were in my position you would have truly done the same. 

My train of thoughts was broken by the sound of my neighbors yelling at each other .
"What do you mean this is your parking spot!!! ?!!"

Meh, the regular. I'm so sick and tired of these stupid neighbors. One day ill afford to move out to a better place. In the meantime let me treat myself to a good cup of coffee.

* goes to make some iced coffee *
And ill just take that and go to a park maybe I can get some work done and get some fresh air on the way .

Mhmmm let me see what will I wear ... I think im gunna go with some baggy mum jeans that have a cow print along with w tight one shoulder white shirt and high black convers along with a small black faux leather backpack .

I take my things lock the door and as I am descending the stairs I hear a noise similar to someone moving furniture,  yet the sound is very close . Will their be a new neighbor??

Before I get too caught up in my thoughts I see someone facing me .

-"excuse me , would you please move ?" Says the person

A's DiariesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang