Here Comes Freedom

Start from the beginning

"We're getting closer to bringing them all home." She takes my hand and we brace ourselves for what can happen.

"Well now, aren't you two a sight?" Mary greets us with her thick Louisiana drawl.

"You sure no one followed you?" Hayley asks her.

"I've been avoiding trouble since well before you both were born. Now, where are those little angels?"

"Did you find it?" I ask not wanting to wait any longer. Mary has told us to stay away from finding the cures believing the children would be safer without the Mikaelson's in their lives. But I could never deprive my children of their family. Ones who love them and fought for them to be alive and happy.

"Mary. Please. After all this time, we're this close to getting them back." Hayley begs her.

"We found a cure for Freya's poison, I am going to siphon Rebekah's hex..."

"So you're really gonna do it? Cure 'em and then wake 'em up? Did you both ever stop and think, Hope and Henry might be better off without 'em?"

"Mary I promised my children I would get their father back and their family could be reunited. I know you have your reasons to be against the Mikaelson's but they're my family. Klaus is going to be my husband and he's the father of my children. I'm getting them back." I stand my ground with her.

"Mary..." Hayley speaks up looking at Jackson's grandmother. "They're Mikaelson's too. They've inherited all of their enemies and a power that...we don't understand. They need someone to teach them how to control it. We can't do it on our own."

"You told me to wake the Mikaelson's you needed to find all seven werewolf packs. You found six. The last one...the Malraux...I thought they'd been killed off." Mary reaches into her pocket and pulls out a piece of paper. "According to this, there might be one left." I reach for the paper but Mary blocks me. "Sofia. Hayley. You both have looked for five years. You found nothing. Suddenly I get word of a lead. What if someone else found it, too? What if it's a trap?"

"Good thing we're not going into this alone then." I answer as I take the paper from her.

"Kids!" I call. "Grandma Mary is here."

"Grandma!" They both shout as they run down the stairs into her arms. Despite them not being blood-related to her that doesn't matter. Mary treats my children as if they were her own. It's something I never thought they would have in their lives. A grandmother who loves them unconditionally. She has been a great help in watching the kids when Hayley and I needed to track down a part of the cures. It's safer if we went together to watch each other's back. I always had Bonnie and Caroline aware of when we were leaving and Mary to be in contact with them in case something came up. I always made sure the kids were taken care of while we fought to get the family back together. Now it's no different except this is the last part of the key. We have everything to get our family back to the whole and nothing is going to stop us now.

"Look how big and strong you both have gotten." Mary loves on the kids and it makes it easier leaving them even though it's one of the hardest things I do.

"Grandma look." Henry shows her his missing front tooth. "See!"

"I see you're becoming such a big boy."

"Look." Hope shows Mary a twirl she learned from an online ballet class I found for her and Henry to do for fun. Homeschooling them is hard since neither Hayley or I are well versed in how to properly educate young children but the internet is a wonderful place. Especially for online schooling that allows us to have a professional teach our children and forget who they are for their safety.

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