Kevin x Vera

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The survivors were gathered around the main entrance doors, whispering amongst each other while listening out for any footsteps outside.

"I hear the new survivor is a cowboy!" Emma whispered to Emily. Kreacher, who had overheard her, leaned over and whisper shouted, "A cowboy?!" Emily gestured for him to quiet down, but it was too late. The chatter increased in volume as people expressed their thoughts to one another.

"A cowboy? Is he like the ones from the Wild West movies?" William asked giddily. Naib laughed.

"Nah, I bet he's from a tribe or something." He said, his mind already full of strange images of what the cowboy could look like. Martha laughed and shook her head.

"He's probably normal. Hopefully he's good." She mumbled, half to herself.

"Do you think he has any cool gadgets on him?" Tracy asked excitedly, joining the trio. Martha shook her head.

"He's probably from a tribe. I'm not sure how much tech they have." She answered, earning a sigh of disappointment from Tracy.

"I just hope he's nice." Helena said softly, walking over. William grinned.

"I'm sure he will be!" He lightly smacked Helena on the shoulder. "Everyone who's come recently have been nice!"

"Well, maybe apart from Vera." Tracy piped. She quickly glanced at the perfumer across the room. She didn't seem to be paying attention to anyone apart from herself. Vera was examining her nails, looking bored out of her mind.

"I mean," Martha paused, trying to defend the perfumer. "At least she's a good kiter?"

Helena nodded. "Whenever I'm in a match with her, the hunter never comes near me."

Tracy adjusted her helmet and looked at the floor. "Well, yeah but I just wish she was nicer. Sometimes I'll try talk to her and she'll just brush me off. Even when I heal her, she just goes! Never a thank you or anything!" She slowly trailed off, feeling guilty of talking bad about the perfumer. She was a good team mate, but her cooperation could use some help.

"Well, maybe the new guy can 'melt her heart'" Naib joked. Everyone chuckled.

"Yeah, hopefully." Tracy smiled.

"Everyone! Be quiet! I think he's here!" Emma yelled. Instantly, the room became silent. The sound of steps outside were now audible. They came closer and closer, before they stopped outside the door. Everyone held their breath.

BAM! The door burst open and revealed a man whose appearance screamed cowboy.

His red and black outfit had feathers on the ends of his sleeves and on a necklace hanging around his neck. He had two white streaks of face paint on his face just above his beard. Around his waist was a belt with golden accents and a lasso rolled into a neat circle. On top of his head was the signature cowboy hat.

No one spoke. A moment of nothing passed before the man tipped his hat at everyone.

"Good evening! My name is Kevin Alonso. It's a pleasure to meet you all, but most of all," He looked at Vera and proceeded to lasso her in an instant. If you blinked, you would miss it. He held Vera bridal style and grinned at her. "It's an honour to meet you, my lady~"

Vera blinked and her cheeks went slightly red before she regained her composure and punched him in the face. He dropped her and reeled back in surprise. She quickly stood up and brushed non-existent dust off her light purple dress. With no emotion in her voice, she looked at him and said "Please don't touch me. Welcome to the manor. I'll be off." And with that, she was gone, closing the door behind her.

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