The Truth Untold

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Thi story is based off of the song "The Truth Untold" (really now). It's an Emma x Emily since i was just thinking of a kinda 'canon' thing in the game. Emma likes Emily. Maybe she's obsessed. There's something there. Anyways, onto the story.


In this garden where I hide, a flower has bloomed here. It looks just like her. Pure and soft, dressed in a baby blue with streaks of heavenly white. It's beautiful. I spend hours crouching down beside it, admiring it. I feel weirdly hollow and empty, like something is missing. Thoughts hang in the air, floating all around me as I stare at the flower. Whenever I talk to her, the feelings intensify. I am missing her. She is the last puzzle piece.
I want to hold her tightly and never let go.
But I can't, not yet. The time doesn't feel right. I can't show her my true self. It's horrid and black. It would taint her, or even worse, drive her away. Then I'd collapse, fall apart into nothing. So I'll wear a mask and greet her kindly until I am pure like her.
One day, I find her in my garden beside the flower. I'm surprised. I walk to her slowly, unsure of why she has appeared here.
"Emily? Are you okay?"
She looks up, tears streaming down her face. Her eyes are glittering with sadness, pain. I drop down to her level and hesitantly reach out my hand to her face. She shakily holds it and leans onto it. My heart is pounding even louder.
"Are you hurting?"
She nods weakly, her entire body shaking. She is a mess. Her clothes are stained with tears, her hair is messy and yet she is still beautiful.
"What's wrong? Tell me." I whisper, sitting down on the ground and drying her face with my thumb.
Her emotions spill out in front of me. A jumble of memories and events mixed into a pot to form sadness and guilt and pain. I can't understand most of it, but I listen. I listen until she is saying nothing, blubbering helplessly.
"It's okay." I finally whisper. Her eyes look up into mine. "It's not your fault."
For some reason, she starts to cry harder. I am taken aback. Thoughts rush into my mind.
'What have I done?'
'Did I say something wrong?'
'It's over. The only other person you care about is leaving.'
'Please don't go Emily.'
She doesn't leave. Instead, she wraps me into a hug, murmuring thousands of incoherent things. I wrap my arms around her and gently draw circles on her back. It felt like ten thousand blissful hours but it was probably only a few minutes. She stood up and smiled, thanking me for listening. I smile back and watch her leave.
She comes to the garden everyday. Each day, we sit next to the flower, which has grown tall and strong over the days, and talk. The feeling of hollowness starts to fade. Perhaps, I could show her my true self. Perhaps it'd be okay. But I am scared, so I do nothing.
I don't like Freddy. He's too close to her. Everyday, they're together. She no longer comes to the garden. The hollow feeling returns, stronger than ever. Along with it comes regret.
If I had, if I did, if I stood before her and told her everything. If I showed my true self, she'd stay in the garden. Maybe we'd get closer.
I'm alone again. Abandoned again. But this time, I have no one to blame but me. There was no man who caused this.
It was me.
The flower is starting to wilt.

This story kinda doesnt make sense??????
Anyways, there will be less updates since I have exams coming up (woo hoo amirite)

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