Mafia|| Decision

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Kurt emerged from the door once more. He emerged quite suddenly and abruptly, surprising everyone in the garden. He cleared his throat and stood tall.
"Evening to you all." He said, his voice loud and clear. "I have come here because there is a decision to be made."
The people gathered around him. Quiet whispers bounced off the walls but soon, the space was enveloped in an eerie silence. It was so still that you could hear a pin—perhaps even a feather— drop.
Kurt cleared his throat awkwardly, surprised at the attention that was on him.
"Uh, you guys must decide if you want to vote or not. Just say 'yes' or 'no'. P-please" he trailed off, growing nervous under the string gaze of everyone. Then, the whispers returned.
"I think it's him"
"Who? Kurt?"
"Yeah! He seems pretty suspicious"
"That's just him. He's the narrator. He can't be the mafia"
"Oh yeah"

"Maybe its Wu Chang"
"Nah, I bet it's Naib"
"Really? If anything, I thought it was Emma!"
"You're right.. the most innocent are usually the killers"
"Maybe we should ask the detectives, whoever they are."

The whispers continued until night fell. By then, however, people had already decided and gone off to bed to rest for the next day.

Hey guys! Just comment what you want to do. Say yes or no.

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