Fem!reader x Smiley

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My footsteps rang throughout the old, abandoned building. Ghostly children's laughter echoed around me, sending chills down my spine. The bright yellow and red walls were faded and tattered, like an old picture book. I ran around the locker and started working on the cipher in front of it. Clicks and beeping bounced off the walls after a few minutes. I was almost done, just a little more time and...
I felt my heart starting to beat faster and I froze. It quickened it's pace by the second, I crouched down and tried to keep my breathing even. I heard fast footsteps coming closer to me. I felt myself tense up in fear. The hunter was coming straight for me! Do I run or stay hidden? Maybe I should ru—
I heard the hunter laugh from the doorway of the old building I was in. Too late, I'm hiding I guess. From that laugh, I assumed the hunter was the Joker. I should've known before, his rocket parts were scattered everywhere inside this building! He started to search around.
Does he know that I'm in here?
I crept around the cipher machine, using it to hide me from his sights. But he didn't leave. Instead, he continued to search around. He didn't see me, right? But what if he has? Is he playing with me? Oh no, what do I do? What to do?
"Found you! Hahah!" His voice erupted from behind me and I let out a shriek. I quickly got up and ran, dodging his rocket. I was thinking for too long! Stupid, stupid! I stumbled up the stairs, my heart pounding loudly in my ears. My breathing was uneven and ragged. He was close behind, I could feel his eyes on my back. I ran into a small room, the only thing here was a window. I darted towards the window and hurled myself outside, somehow managing to land on my feet and not my head. I hit the ground running. The roller coaster is my only hope right now.. I hope it's still there. As I approached the platform, I met the doctor who was waiting for me on the rollercoaster.
"Thank you for waiting—"
As soon as I got closer, she activated the coaster and left me with the hunter chasing me.
"...for me"
The joker hit me in the back and I choked on my breath.
The hit wasn't as bad as the other hits I had...
I heard a loud bell echo throughout the amusement park and his maniacal laughter behind me.
His laughing was quieter than I remember.
My chest started aching painfully and I shifted my attention back to myself. My body was weaker and I couldn't run for too long without stumbling forwards. This isn't good...
I sprinted forwards with what leftover energy I had. I had to keep going. There was only one cipher remaining, I could do this. I ran through a gap with a pallet resting upright on one of the walls. Smiley hit the wall instead of me and stopped next to the pallet. With all of the might I could muster, I threw it down atop his head. He let out a wall of pain and stepped back. I hit him! Yes!
I turned around and continued to run. My footsteps were heavy now and I felt my legs start to shake. I felt like a walking sack of stones, I was so heavy and my legs could barely hold me up. I ran across the bridge and started panting heavier. The water below me was calm, unlike me. My heart was starting to calm down but I still felt his eyes burning holes into the back of my head. I ducked under the flaps of a large tent and dashed inside. There was a stage at the back and three small staircases that led up to the stage. I crouched behind one that was near the back of the tent. I tried to catch my breaths. Dammit, I'm too tired.. how long does it take to decode a single cipher?!
I leaned against the wall and started to feel my heartbeat slow down. I closed my eyes and calmed down.
That's good... he's gone.
"There you are!"
I snapped my eyes opened and screamed. What the-?! How did I not see or sense him?! Dammit he must have teleport!
Smiley was standing in front of a machine in the middle of the tent, staring at me with his giant grin. I quickly got up and started to run. I threw a glance back and realised he was standing still, watching me leave.
Wh-What? Why is he not...
Once I had left the tent and gotten a good head start I heard him start to move.
How strange. What a strange man.
I tried to brush it off but it lingered in the back of my mind. A loud horn echoed throughout the park and I felt my hopes rise. Instantly I felt better and refreshed.
Yes! They finally did it!
I smiled and, with a burst of speed, ran towards the nearest exit gate where all my teammates were gathered. The doctor instantly ran up to me and hugged me with so much strength that she spun us around.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to leave without you!" She sobbed. I smiled and pat her back soothingly.
"Don't worry, it's ok!"
I felt my heart starting to beat rapidly and I looked past the doctor's shoulder to see smiley dashing at full speed towards her. His eyes were red and glowing.
"Watch out!" I screamed, shoving her aside. I took the hit and let out a shout of pain. It knocked the breath out of me and I felt my vision start to sway. I landed on the ground with a hard thud and groaned. I couldn't get up. The world started tilting and spinning. I felt like a stone dropped into the ocean, sinking into the sand down below. I couldn't see very well, due to my tears of pain but I could see a little. I saw my teammates look towards me with sorrow in their eyes as they left. The doctor was the last to leave throwing another glance at me before running outside.
They...abandoned me...
Smiley cane towards me and I didn't move. I let him pick me up but.. he didn't tie any balloons to me. I let out a small sound of confusion as he carried me delicately in his arms. I heard him murmur something along the lines of "I wasn't aiming for you, I'm sorry" and my eyes widened.
Smiley... apologised to me?
He carried me towards the exit gate and placed me gently on the ground. I looked up at him and smiled.
"Thank you, Smiley" I mumbled out and I started to crawl out. Before I left, I turned around and waved goodbye. The joker paused for a moment before waving back slowly.

Hi everyone, this was requested by Siniora-Chan , so I hoped that you liked that! If anyone has any requests, please ask away and I will try my best :P
I am improving so if I make something that could use a little work, please give me some feedback and I will fix it.
I do take constructive criticism so please give me feedback!
Also oh my goood, hoW DID WE GET TO NUMBER 7 IN IDENTITY V?!
The next chapter will be another to the beach and then a fem!reader x soul weaver which was requested by Jinglebells_123

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