Chapter 15| Echoes Of Death

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"When you least expect it, you will die! And I will be the one to kill you!" I was used to the nightmares at this point.


I was doing laundry when the power went out. My backup generator kicked on almost immediately. Johnny appeared in the hallway in front of me as the lights flickered back on. 

"What do you want?" I asked. 

"I think it's time for the fun to really begin." Johnny disappeared, and my hands were yanked behind my back. Johnny took out a pair of handcuffs which were cold against my wrists when he handcuffed my hands together. He shoved me forward, causing me to fall to my knees.


"Don't waste your breath," Johnny said, interrupting me. "Now that I've got your attention, you're going to tell me what you meant when you said I was going to try killing a demon." I shook my head.

"I'm not telling you shit!" I shouted. 

"That's fine. We can do this the hard way."

"Please, don't hurt me," I pleaded.

"Then tell me!" Johnny shouted in anger.

"Why? You'll kill me either way." 

"If only Jennifer had been that smart. Well you're at it I'd like to know how Cassondra can use a demon stone." Johnny walked in front of me and sat down.

"It was exactly like I said. If you try going after Cassondra, you're going to fight a demon. As for the demon stone, why would I know that?"

"Fine." He rolled his eyes, likely in annoyance. Johnny pulled a knife from his pocket. I immediately recognized it, only I couldn't remember where I had seen it before. Something about Eleanor, but that was all I could remember. I started patting the ground looking for anything I could use to free myself. My hand landed on a bobby pin I'd dropped. I frantically started trying to unlock the handcuffs. After what felt like an eternity I heard a click and I was free. Well, sort of. I still had to deal with Johnny. 

Johnny stood up when I did. My breathing became heavy. Something about Johnny was different then all the other times he'd come. I could see it in his eyes. I already knew he was going to kill me, I just didn't know when he planned to do it until now. 

"Johnny, you can still turn back. It's not too late," I said, trying to remain calm. I was failing. He sighed.

"I don't want to turn back. When will you people get that through your heads?" Johnny was the perfect example of calm when he said that.

"Why are you doing this? Please. I don't want to die!" Johnny walked closer, and I slowly walked backwards, not wanting to look away. Next thing I knew Johnny had backed me into a corner. "Please, don't kill me," I whispered. I was more terrified than I had ever been before. My heart felt like it could burst out of my chest at any moment.

"I didn't want to die either, but I died anyways. And now that's all settled, should we do this the easy or the hard way? I'm fine with either, so it's your choice." 

"Please, don't do this," I begged again. My cheeks were soaked with tears. 

"Give me your hand," Johnny commanded. No plan. No protection. No escape. No choice. I held out my left hand. He gently pushed it back to my side. "Good choice." Johnny smiled. A test no doubt.

"Not yet. I need to do something first," I said. I didn't think it would do much, but even a couple seconds more to think could be the difference between life and death. 

"Whatever. You have a minute." I sighed with relief. Something was definitely better than nothing. 

I rushed into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. I quickly grabbed my phone that was sitting on the counter and called 911. Johnny walked in behind me. Shit, I thought. "911 what's your emergency?" Johnny definitely knew what I was doing.

"Help! He's coming for me!"

"Who?" I gave the operator my address.

"Just hurry, please! There's a fucking killer in my house!" But it was too late… the knife slipped from my hand and clattered on the floor, the sound echoing in my eardrums as I waited for certain death.

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