Chapter 6| Blood And Laughter

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"I've had a change of mind. I'd rather not know." I really was an idiot. 

"Yeah? Well you're the one who asked about it." He opened the folder he had come back with not long ago. "Are you sure?" Johnny asked, handing me the photos he took out. Curiosity got the best of me, and I gently took them. Johnny smiled. 

I gazed down at the first picture. It took everything in me not to puck. It was a picture of a woman laying naked on the floor. Her fingers, toes, feet, and one of her hands were sitting beside her. She was surrounded by a pool of blood. The wounds on her body indicated that she had likely been stabbed multiple times. 

I laughed. Here I was sitting next to a serial killer. This girl could easily be me at any moment. My laughter seemed to take Johnny by surprise. Not me though. I had a feeling much sooner that I was basically screwed no matter what I did.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. You're just the first person to laugh at my work. Do you find it funny that this is what I have done to many?" 

"It's not funny, but it's definitely something else. I really am stupid for following you into that alleyway." I didn't bother looking at the other photos. I just handed them back to him. My voice was filled with despair. I wanted to run so badly, but all I could do was wait for death. Tears rolled down my cheeks. In an attempt not to let Johnny see them, I wiped them away as fast as I could. He gazed into my eyes when I looked over.

"Don't you dare say it," Johnny said, his eyes never leaving me.

"Say what?" I asked curiously. 

"You know what." I was overwhelmed with confusion. Then it hit me.

"Do you mean, I beg of you. Please don't kill me. I'll do anything," I said in the annoyingly scared voice that people used in horror movies. "If you're referring to that, I wasn't planning on it." My voice was shaky. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't hide my fear. Johnny smiled.

"Good. I hate it when people beg for their lives."

"Why do they even try? It's not like it's going to help them. If I was a serial killer it would probably make me want to kill them even more." 

"You remind me a lot of Cassondra. Of course she doesn't know that I'm a serial killer. Nor does she know that I murder her boyfriend on his way to prepose to her." Woah! Never thought I'd hear someone say that.

"Do you love her?" He instantly became filled with anger.

"Yes. I love Cassondra more than anything. She has the most beautiful eyes. Unlike any I have ever seen before, as they shine like gold."

"So, if she ever found out and contacted law enforcement, what would you do?"

"I'd have no choice but to kill her."

"Could you really do it?" I asked.

"I don't know what you're trying to do, but it's not going to work."

"Why do you kill?"

"Because it's fun!" Johnny laughed. "Alright. I think it's my turn to ask the questions." I reluctantly nodded. "How would you like me to kill you?" Of all the questions he could have asked, why this one?

"I don't want to die, but since I don't have a say in whether I live or die just please try to make it as fast as you can."

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind."

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