Chapter 12| First Kill

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"What caused you to kill for the first time?"

"That's not going to work. You're not the first person to try it." Well there went that plan. 

"If I was you and Eleanor was Cassondra, what would you do?"

"I really don't like you right now," Johnny said, throwing Eleanor to the ground. I really wanted to laugh. It felt so good to finally get back at him. 

Johnny pushed us into the bathroom and locked the door. 

"Well, it didn't really work, but thank goodness we made code phrases. I forgot most of them though," Eleanor said.

"I remember attack, plan, and help."

"I shall need you, right?"

"For help, yeah," I agreed. "So what now? Johnny could come in and take one of us at any moment. I was able to talk my way out of this once, but we tried to escape and that was clear. Talking our way out of this isn't going to work." In truth, I was more terrified than I had ever been before. Johnny opened the door.

"Well, speak of the devil," Eleanor said with annoyance clear in her voice. 

"So, which one of you am I taking," Johnny asked. I stood up from my place on the side of the bathtub and walked over to him. 

"Goodbye," I said. My eyes were watery. As hard as I tried not to let any tears fall, a teardrop still managed to escape my control.


I was back in the room I had been put in when I first got here. Johnny came into the room holding a glass of water and sat down in front of me. He was wearing a black T-shirt as well as black pants. He handed me the cup, and I took a sip of water before setting it on the floor beside me.

"So, what happens now? After all, I'm pretty sure you're definitely not going to let me go now," I said.

"I wasn't planning to anyways. Not that it should surprise you. I did say next to none when it came to the chances of that happening."

"I honestly am curious though. What caused you to kill for the first time?" I asked. 

"Actually… It wasn't planned. About 2 years ago, a robber came to my house. I caught him, and he shot at me. All I had was a knife. Before he could try to shoot me again, I lost control in my anger and plunged the knife into him. Blood started pouring from his neck where I stabbed him. That's when I realized how much I enjoyed killing." I could hear a little sadness in his voice, though I didn't know why, and it sounded like he was partly lying or maybe just leaving stuff out.

"So that's it. No horrible childhood or sad betrayal?"

"Nope. I just unintentionally killed someone and liked it."

"Have you ever thought about getting help? I mean, it's not exactly normal to like killing people."

"Did you just call me crazy?" Johnny jokingly asked. "I guess you could put it that way. So how long have you been aware of your feelings for Eleanor?"

"Well… I don't really know. I guess I realized it when you asked me why I cared about her. She's been my best friend since childhood. I've always just thought of her as a sister until now. Speaking of that, which one of us are you planning on killing first?" I asked, hoping he would say me. Eleanor would have a much better chance of survival then I would. It was even more important than our lives that one of us got out with the photos so no one would die because of him again.

"Probably you. I don't know yet," he replied in an extremely calm voice. It made me uncomfortable.

"How do you plan to do it?" Johnny shrugged.

"You did break the rules so not by a bullet if I can avoid it."

"Do you have conversations like this with all your victims?"

"Sometimes. It just depends on the person." If Johnny hadn't murdered and tortured a bunch of people, I think we probably could have been good friends.  He was a good person, or would have been had he not committed his multiple crimes. I took another sip of water. 

"Is there anything I can do to convince you to let me live?"

"Nice try, but no. Just wondering. How long do you think you've been here?"

"A month at least," I replied. Time felt like it was passing so fast. I wouldn't have been surprised to find out it had only been like a week.

"It's been 2 days actually. Don't worry though. Time is going to feel a lot slower here soon." I drank some more water, and then my vision started going blurry.

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