Chapter 2| Day One

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Eleanor laughed at my stupid comment. I never knew why she was that way. I quickly turned around. I wasn't exactly sure why. There he was! He was gazing into my eyes as I was his. Who was he? I had seen him before. First in the grocery store, then at the park, later at the restaurant, and now he was here. Was he following me? I looked at Eleanor. I don't think she ever noticed, but for the past week he would be there whenever we were together. He was following us.

"What do you want?" I shouted, looking back. He smiled at me and walked away. "I'll be back soon," I whispered to Eleanor. I ran as fast as I could towards him. "Who are you?" I shouted once more. "And why are you following us?"

"I'm Johnny. Follow me, and I'll tell you everything." This is when I made the worst mistake of my life. Little did I know that mistake would cost me much more than I could have ever imagined.

His voice was gentle and welcoming. Despite the fact that he was acting like a stocker and wanted me to leave the safety of an area filled with people, his voice made me trust him.

"Fine, but after this you owe me a milkshake for following me."

"It's 2011 and women are still predictable when it comes to food, but fine." I followed him to an alleyway where the sunlight could not reach. He quickly took out a small pistol from his pocket and pointed it at me. "Move, scream, or do anything I don't tell you to do, and your brain will be splattered against these walls." Tears poured from my brown eyes. He walked closer. "Give me your phone, and do something with your hair. It's a mess after all that running after me. Especially those bangs, but not much can be done about that.

It was die or do as he asked. Something about death always scared me. There was after all no way to know for sure what was going to happen in the after world.

I handed my phone to him. He powered it off and put it in his back pocket, then handed me a hair tie. I looked down at my longish, dark brown hair. It really was a mess. I took it and put my hair into a flat ponytail. A car pulled up to the entrance of the alley. Johnny gave me a small shove as I turned towards the car.

"Get in." His voice was far from what it was earlier. It was now threatening. Once we were in the car things only got worse.

"So, now we have officially met. And of course there is no need for you to intrude yourself. If I'm not mistaken, you're Jennifer Miller. You're 23 and work for your mother, Trinity Miller, at her cake shop." How did he know so much about me?

"You really are a stocker."

"I prefer to call myself your nightmare."

"Charming," I said with as much sarcasm as I could manage through the fear. "Where are you taking me?"

"My home of course." He smiled. The driver on the other hand looked bored as heck.

"What are you going to do with me?" In truth, I didn't want to hear his answer. Whatever his plans were, they were already terrifying.

"Even when I was younger I have almost never told a lie, and I have never broken a promise. So when I say I'm going to kill you, even if it's the last thing I do, I will kill you."

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