Name: Roslyn - Species: Unknown 11

Start from the beginning

"Me too," Patch kissed her again, for the millionth time in ten minutes.

"Let's go home," Mitchell stood up. "We're going to have a party tonight, thanking God that Rose came to us."

"What?" I looked up at him in confusion.

"You're so slow from someone from the future," Sean shook his head. "You're the new thing in Ash's life. I don't know how, but you helped."


"Yup," Ash grinned. "Now let's go home."

I was still finding it hard to believe that I was the one who'd helped Ash so much, but everyone seemed to think so. We talked, laughed and joked all the way home. It was brilliant and I loved every second. Everyone at the manor was just as crazy happy when Mitchell burst through the doors like a king and declared that we were all going to party till dawn. No one could seem to leave Ash alone, they all needed to be sure that the doctor was right.

I'll say this for werewolves, they can party like... well animals. It was crazy, not drunk crazy, but fun crazy. I felt so... at home. This was where I always wanted to be. I ended up on the couch, on top of some random werewolf who I'd been dancing with. He was a couple years older than me and so muscled it was almost like sleeping on a rock. But I didn't mind, I drifted off happily. Ash was going to be okay... she was going to be okay.

The doorbell rang. No one moved, though I heard couple of people shift around on the floor. I may have been sleeping on a rock, but I didn't want to get up. Five minutes later the bell rang again.

"Coming!" Mitchell called, half asleep. I heard him stand up, accidentally step on someone, then eventually get to the door.

"Um- hi," a familiar voice came from the door. "I'm sorry if this is a bad time.... I was hoping to see Rose."

"Oh, yeah," Mitchell let her in. "She's on the couch I believe. We're not usually like this, just had a good night."

"Don't worry," she laughed and it sounded like bells. "Been there."

"Oi, Rose," Mitchell called across the room. "There's an angel here for you."

That got me up. As soon as I got up off that hard-chested wolf I saw why I'd recognized the voice. It was Silver, my alleged guardian angel. Pregnant as ever.

"Hi," she smiled, rubbing her arm. "I was hoping we could go out and talk. I didn't realize there'd be a celebration aftermath morning."

"No, no," I starting walking over, picking my way through the sleeping bodies. "I'm fine to go out." Silver may be strange but I'd really like to learn more about all this stuff.

"Do you want to change?" she asked as Mitchell went back to sleep on the armchair.

"Yeah," I nodded. "I won't be five minutes."


I ran upstairs, changed into jeans and a hoodie, then ran back down stairs, slipped on some pumps and followed Silver out of the house.

"So..." I started. "What did you want to talk about?"

"You actually," she smiled at me like I was the most interesting thing in the world. "Tell me all about you."

I didn't intend to tell her much, just my age and interests... but I ended up saying everything. Everything. All about the territories, the future, time-travel, all of it. I have no idea why, but it just all came out. Craziest thing is, she just nodded and listened like everything I was saying was perfectly normal.

"So you're from 2055..." she murmured. "I have to remember that."

"What?" I stared at her.

"Nothing," she grinned. "So, do you have anything to ask me? It's only fair considering I got your whole biography. Thank you by the way, for telling me."

"Oh," I said, still confused about why I'd told her so much. "No problem. I was actually wondering, you'r an angel right, do you have any idea how I would have been able to... time travel like that?"

"Oh..." she blinked in surprise. "Um, I know that angels and demons can time jump, so can warps and same mages. But you're giving off a... human vibe. I don't know how you did it."

Was it just me or did she sound disappointed when she said  I was human? I'll just ignore that possibility, too much strange stuff has been happening to deal with that. I am happily human, end of story.

"Alright," I nodded. "So, did you want to go somewhere?"

I looked around, realizing that I'd taken her to the field that Sean had taken me to, the one with the big tree.

"Not really," she smiled. "I just wanted to spend time with you."

"Because you're my guardian angel?" I asked, watching her expression.

"Yeah," she smiled, looking into the distance like she was thinking about something very soothing... or something very sad. It was hard to tell with her expression.

"So what's it like?" I asked, sitting on the ground under the big tree. "Being an angel."

"What's it like?" she laughed, sitting beside me. "That's like me asking what it's like to breathe."

"Do you have to breathe?" I looked at her.

"Yeah, on Earth I do, sort of," she shrugged with a smile. "I'm guessing you're asking about heaven."

"Yes, that's what I meant," I looked out over the field again.

"Well... it's just like a vast bright space," she said, her voice taking on a tone of longing. "It's the best place to be, so peaceful and bright, everyone loves unconditionally. It's a parallel place to this one, just like hell is."

"That sounds beautiful," I murmured. I wish I'd grown up there instead of how I had.

"Yeah," she smiled to herself. "It is."

There was a pause before she started speaking again.

"There are two types of angels," she continued. "Avenger and guardian. Avengers come to earth for small periods of times for specific reasons, like to destroy a hell threat. Guardians stay longer, usually the span of a human life of the person they're assigned to."

"Wait," I turned  on my knees to look at her. "If you're my guardian angel then why did you only just meet me and act so surprised that you did?"

"Because I wasn't assigned to you," she didn't look at me. "It's complicated."

"How do you know me?" I demanded.

"I told you," she sighed. "It's complicated."

"It's to do with me," I insisted. "I have the right to know."

"Rose-" she started, then paused, touching her stomach. "She just kicked."

"What?" I looked down at the bump too.

"Here," she took my hand and rested it against her stomach with a smile. I jumped with a small but sturdy kick hit my hand. A strange, strange feeling came over me, making me jerk back. "Rose?" Silver looked at me in concern.

"It's nothing," I shook my head. "So, what were we talking about?"

"You," she smiled. "About your interests and hobbies and stuff."

"Okay," I nodded, though I didn't remember that being the topic. "But afterwards you have to tell me your favorite colour and stuff."

"Deal," she smiled.

Name: Roslyn - Species: UnknownWhere stories live. Discover now