Name: Roslyn - Species: Unknown

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"Rose!" TJ yelled after me.

Damn it. I was supposed to be stealthy this time, this wasn't a mission to get their attention. I just had to make it over the bridge... And I home free. He wouldn't cross into my territory. I saw the bridge coming up through the trees at the same moment a muscled body slammed into my back, sending us both onto the dirt floor.

I kicked furiously, knowing if I was pinned I was screwed. The rest of the Ravens wouldn't be far behind TJ and I had stolen from them, something none of us took lightly. Still, we hadn't made enough this month to feed everyone, so we were desperate. I managed to get a blow to his shoulder and slip out from under him to start for the bridge again. Somehow he managed to hook a belt loop on the back of my jeans and drag me back.

"Roslyn!" I heard Mak at the bridge.

"Mak!" I yelled back. "Leave it!"

If our leader crossed that territory line, it would be an all-out war, Sparrows vs Ravens and it would not be pretty. TJ dragged me into his arms and pinned me against him. This was the situation I'd been desperate to avoid, TJ was strong and getting pinned was practically a death sentence.

I heard footsteps approaching and with renewed strength I threw my head back, hitting him square on the nose. With a swear, he actually let me go. I didn't waste a second, I shot forward again and ran flat out for the bridge. I heard light quick footsteps close behind and knew Renn was there. I listened to her steps and swerved to the side to miss her daggers.

Stepping foot on the bridge had never been so sweet. The bridge was neutral territory so they wouldn't follow me, but I still didn't stop until I was off and on my territory. Mak, Lina and Ray stood there, watching the Raven's across the river as I collapsed and sucked in air. I felt like I'd run ten bloody miles in Raven territory. I actually might have.

No one moved as the leaders locked eyes. Mak and Cam are about the same height, build and age, the only difference is the colouring. Mak's got pale hair and dark skin with piercing green eyes whereas Cam's a flaming red head with white skin and hazel eyes. Both men are formidable and neither wanted to look away first. Only, Mak'd won, I'd crossed the river, so after a while, Cam turned on his heel and walked away with the rest of the Raven's.

Once they were gone, everyone turned to me. Lina offered me a hand and I took it to stand up. I looked at Mak and waited for it. He calmly stepped forward and backhanded me, snapping my face to the side. I took a deep breath then looked back at him.

"I told you not to get caught."

"I am desperately sorry oh great leader," I snapped. "Next time you want money stolen get one of your whores to do it."

Lina and Ray's jaws dropped. I pulled the wad of cash out of my bra and handed it to Mak without another word and walked off.

"You're on the square tonight," he called after me, perfectly civil, like I hadn't just told him where to shove it.

I said nothing, just kept walking towards camp. There were three territories in this forest, Sparrow, Raven and Hawk. The cat territories were in London, the dog territories in Kent and the wild territories were further south and west. Our territories' living space was a huge clearing by a clean section of the River Mole. There was an abandoned country house there and Mak claimed it when the territories were first being established in this area.

"Hey Rose," Lorcan walked up to me as I walked into camp ground. He winced at my red cheek. "I take it you got caught."

"Yup," I said cheerfully. "TJ saw me at the last second as I was leaving their safe house."

Name: Roslyn - Species: UnknownWhere stories live. Discover now