The Ultimatum

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I'm meeting with Mila, today, to celebrate one full month of college. With a little bit of motivation from my mom, friends, Dre, and even Key'Von, I've been able to get all A's. I no longer have a worry of not being successful. I just have a worry about Dre and Mason. Dre's still been on the low, while trying to continue being that nigga, in the streets. It's like, they know Dre is their boss and regardless of what Mason wants, they gotta keep shit going smoothly. He just does a lot of shit in different places, now, so Mason doesn't know where he'll be. It's ridiculous.

I pull into the restaurant parking lot and smile, when I see her. "Hey college girl." She says, as she hugs me. "Hey!" I answer. "One month down, a lot to go." We both laugh. We enter the restaurant and are seated. "So how's the job going?" I ask. "Pretty good, actually. I'm really glad I accepted it, to be honest. It's still new but so far so good." "That's good. I can't believe I had planned to be working, during school. It's already hard enough, trying to balance school work and a social life." "Girl, tell me about it. I'm so glad we're smart and get scholarship money." We both laugh. "Me too." We hear a voice join in. We turn to the voice and it's Mason. OF ALL PEOPLE.

"What are you doing here?" Mila asks. "Girls, I come in peace. I swear." Mason says. "You come in peace but you show up somewhere uninvited and unexpected." I say. "If I asked to meet up, y'all would've said "no". He's not wrong but there's a reason for that. "Why do you keep forcing this? You made your bed YEARS ago. It's time you lay in it. We've had to." Mila says. "I made the biggest mistake of my life, leaving you. I refuse to die, without being in good graces with y'all. There has to be something I can do, for y'all to let me in." Mila rolls her eyes and shakes her head but a light bulb lights up, in my head. "Leave Dre alone." I say. Mila's eyes widen and Mason's does the same.

He finally pulls a chair, from another table and sits down. He's silent, for a while. "Maya, I don't think you understand..." he starts. "No you don't understand. Dre is my friend and I want you to leave him alone. That's my condition." I say sternly. Mila's eyebrows are raised. She's impressed. "That's my condition, too." Mila chimes in. It shocks me, because she doesn't even like Dre. "If you're willing to let him into your life, for this boy, he must mean something to you, so he means something to me, too." She says. "Girls, now that Dre and I have this beef, there's no turning back. He knows things. I can go to prison." Mason whispers. We already have people staring at us. "Take it...or leave it." I say. I know another side of Dre and that Dre deserves a second chance. He slowly shakes his head and stands up. Just like he's known for, he leaves, without saying a word.

"Is everything okay?" The waitress comes and asks us. "Yea, we're fine." I answer. "You sure?" "Yes." Mila says. "Okay, your food is on it's way out." She says and walks away. "I don't know if that worked, Maya." Mila says. "I don't know either. Dre said exactly what he did. He knows things that could get him sent away. There's no way he's taking that chance." "Why don't you tell Dre that that's the only way things can go back to how they were. He gotta keep quiet, about Mason, and he gets to keep his life. When you think about it, the only reason he's probably still alive is because Mason doesn't know who Dre told certain stuff to. Including you." She says, making a huge point. If Mason kills Dre, it could trigger a contingency plan, we know nothing about. Dre smart as hell, so I know he has one. Mason would never make it out alive. "Damn."

I practically scarf my food down, in hopes of getting Dre on the phone, tonight. "You call me, if you need anything." Mila says and hugs me goodbye. "I will." I say. As soon as I get in the car, I call Dre. He doesn't answer but I call again. He answers. "Maya, I'm in the middle of something." Dre says. "I need to talk to you." I say. "Yea, well so does your dad. If anything happens to me, you'll be straight." He hangs up. What the hell?" I quickly pull over, because I can feel myself hyperventilating. My light bulb lights up again and I call Mason...over and over. "Maya, let me handle my business. You stay out of this." Mason yells. "I swear to God Mason if you hurt him, you will NEVER see me again!" I yell back. "You're my child. I will see you." "I'm a grown ass woman now, studying law. Please don't play with me." I say and hang up.


A whole week passes and I don't hear from Dre or Mason. I haven't seen anything on social media, indicating he died but I don't know if that's something he planned, if he ever died. I haven't focused on anything but him, all week so I made it my business, to drive back home, today, after class. My crew is coming with me, as back up. I'm glad to see that Trevor has kept his word and keeps us first. "If your dad really wanted to be back in your life, he wouldn't kill Dre." Daisy says. "That's literally the only thing stopping him from being your life. He can't be that stupid." "He was stupid enough to leave and let's not forget what he told Maya. He thinks just because they have the same genes, he can see her whenever." Keisha says. The whole ride over, everything just replays in my head. I never thought I'd be this distraught over Dre.

We pull up, to our hood and everybody is watching. "They know some shit." Trevor says. I hop out and approach Josh and Trey, at the infamous corner store. "Gone with all that, Maya. You really not welcome here, bruh." Josh says. "Watch ya mouth," Keisha says, behind me. "Josh, by now you should know that I didn't want ANY of this. I just want him to be okay. Is he okay?" "I'm not saying shit to you." Josh says. "Josh come on! You know Dre was feeling her. She deserves to know!" Keisha yells. Trey just stands back but I can tell he wants to say something. "I think it's best y'all go. It's not safe, for Dre if y'all keep popping up." Trey says. It clicks in my head that maybe Dre's alive. Josh looks over at Trey like "Bruh really?"

"Get in the car." I say and we all rush to the car. "Where we going?" Daisy asks. "To the burbs." I answer. I know the address of Dre's daycare and I know it's near his house. I don't want to break into his daycare but I will if need be, to find his address. "What's over there?" Trevor asks. "Possibly Dre." I say. I can see everyone's faces, in the rear view and my peripheral. "There's more to him than the hood." I simply say. I drive in complete silence, the whole way, to his daycare. There's a few cars outside. "Y'all stay here." I say. "What the hell is going on?" Keisha asks, as I get out. I don't have time to explain.

I walk in and see a few kids, playing with toys and a worker. "Hi, how can I help you?" One lady asks. "This is going to sound crazy but I need to see some files and see where Dre lives." I say. "I'm...sorry. I can't share any of our files and personal information. I'm not even sure who that is," she says. The lady on the floor, with the kids is now looking at me. "Have you seen the owner of this place recently?" I ask. "Why are you asking?" The floor lady asks. "It's an emergency and I need to see him NOW." "Are you family? I'm sure he'd keep in contact with family." "I'm not asking again." I say. I'm not sure what's come over me but I have no interest in backing down, now." "I'm calling the police." The floor lady says and gets our her phone. As she does that, my phone rings.

"Dre, oh my God are you okay?" I answer. "Tell them your name." He says in a groggy voice. He sounds like he's in pain, so I know he's messed up. "What?" I say. I realize the cameras in here, aren't just here for staff to see. He can see them too. "My name is Maya Wilson." I say. The floor lady's face lights up and she quickly stands. "Jenny, let me handle this. Watch the kids." She says. Dre hangs up and I follow the lady. Jenny is just as confused as I am. "Here." She hands me a key. "I've never seen what's in his office. No one has. We're not allowed. However, if you ever came in here, I was told to give this to you." She leads me to the office and walks away. The door says "Do not enter, without owner's approval". I can't imagine what I'll see in here.

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