Daddy Issues

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I finally decide to open the gift Mason gave me. It can't be anything too important right? I open the envelope and I just know this is a prank. "$10,000?" I say out loud. I know this man isn't giving me drug money. "Ma!" I call for my mom. She comes running into my room. "Is this real?" I ask as soon as she comes in. She takes one look and her eyes widen. "Wait a minute. You been letting this sit here for a month?" She asks. "Mama!" "I'm kidding." She laughs. "I hope it's real but then again, you know it'll come with stipulations." I know she's right. He might use this money to hold over my head. But at the end of the day, he left me and $10,000 is not nearly enough to make up for that.

I put the check back in the envelope and stuff it in my drawer. I'll make a decision later. Right now, I gotta get to work. I throw my purse over my shoulder and yell "I'm gone" to my mama. I'm sure she's heading to work soon, too anyway. I run down to my car and as if to ruin my day, Mason is there. Again. "Good morning." He says. "Good morning?" I say with a hint of question. It's 8:30 in the morning. Don't he got shit to do? "Just was in the neighborhood and was gonna check on ya. I see you heading in to work." He says, eyeing my name tag. "Yea, I gotta be there at 9." I say. "Okay, well have a good day." He says and starts to get back in his car. "Thank you." I smile. For some reason, I'm urged to hug him, so I do. He hugs me like he never wants to let me go. When he finally does, I smile again and get then get in my car. I feel like I only hugged him because he might have made me $10,000 richer.

A few hours go by and I'm surprised work is going smoothly. I happily clock out, for my 30 minute break. I step into the break room and do something I never thought I'd do. Call Dre. The phone rings three times and I'm ready to hang up, but he answers. "Maya, I don't want to ignore your calls." He says. "Then don't." I say. "Look, I don't want any problems." "You? I'm the one that don't want problems but you're a problem child. And you're also someone who can help me. I need your help." "Aight aight. Don't say anything else. This is bad enough. Where you at?" "Work. I get off at 3:30." "Alright, don't go home. Meet me at y'all park." "Bet!"

For the rest of my shift, I think of all the questions I could possibly ask him about my dad. I know I hugged him and I want his money but I need to know who he really is, before accepting it. "You just love when I'm not here huh? Probably don't be doing shit." Denisha comes into the break room, as I grab my things. I quickly go to the recording app on my phone. I'm sick of her and I'm going to corporate. "Denisha what is it with you? Why you always coming for me?" I ask. "I don't like you! Period!" "I ain't even do nothing to you!" "You think you're better than us cuz you light skinned. Bitch you still black and you still broke. Over here making a lil $8." I cannot believe my ears right now. Not only is she accusing me of being a colorist but she's calling me broke. At this point, I'm ready to fight but I remember I'm recording. "Wow. It's sad that you think that. I know I'm black. I know I'm broke. And just because you make a couple of more dollars don't mean you have it made, sweetie." "You don't know shit about me." "I know all I need to know. You are bitter. I don't care why but it's not necessary. You not just mad at me because you definitely don't care about the customers either. Your customer service is trash." "Fuck you! I do what I want. Im the manager! I get paid to manage y'all ugly asses, not be nice."

Before I can really go off, Jordyn comes in the break room. "We can hear y'all out there." She says. "So! Mind y'all business." Denisha says. "Denisha, I'm not the one. We at work right now but please know that if I didn't need this job, I'd beat ya ass. Straight up." Jordyn says and walks away. Denisha just rolls her eyes and follows her out. I have got to get out of this place. It's always some drama. It's a revolving door, when it comes to employees. It's toxic. 2019's favorite word. I follow them both out and walk straight out. I don't want to risk a customer trying to keep me longer than needed.

I get to my car and drive to the park. I see Dre posted up with his boys. His not so real niggas. I'm honestly still shocked he shared that with me. I pull into a parking spot not too close to his car. Gotta be careful just in case somebody wanna shoot his ass. I walk over to a picnic table and wait for him to come to me. "Who told you to come all the way over here?" He asks, when he gets to me. "It's hot as hell out here. Ain't nobody got time to be doing all this walking." His complaining makes me laugh. "You wanna talk in front of them?" I ask. He turns up his lip, mad that I'm making a point.

"So what you wanna know? I'm not telling you no shit you can use against him. Know that!" Dre says. "Well you already told me he's your boss. Everybody know what you do." I say. "Do you know how he got started or when? I always heard your dad passed it down to you or something." He sighs. "Nah, I'm sure it's no surprise but my dad is dead. Him and Mase used to be boys. Once my dad was killed, he took me in, like a son in the streets." "So he took you in but couldn't take of his daughters?" I'm annoyed now. "I'm not making an excuse for him but I think it was just easier for him. Once my grand daddy showed my dad the ropes, your dad was all for it." "So how did he get to the top then? Was it because your dad was killed?" "Nah but we ain't going into all that. I've said enough anyway." "You haven't said anything for real! I just wanna know who he is before letting him into my life again."

He sighs again. "Listen a lot of us round here ain't got no daddies. It's best you take the one trying to get right with you." Dre says. "Why should I? He left us and then had the nerve to stay in contact with somebody else kid." I say. "I know but don't you think he sees his mistake now? He's trying." "Yea a little too hard. He gave me $10,000." I shouldn't have let that slip out. Now niggas might try to rob me. "Oh nah he's really trying. Is it cash?" "It's a check and it looks official." "Wow. That greedy nigga ain't never give nobody his money. Take it and run with it, while it lasts." "What you mean?" "Deposit it. Who knows if it's drug money or not? You wouldn't know, since he's been gone and you can withdraw some and it in another bank, to be safe." "I don't feel right about taking his money." "Like I said. Take it will it lasts."

"So how often he kept in touch?" I ask, changing the subject. "At least every month." Dre answers. It kinda breaks my heart. I yearned for my father all this time. "But it was always business, Maya." Dre reassures me. "But he still called. You heard his voice. Why didn't he want to talk to us or be with us? Did he ever mention us?" "I'm sorry. It was never personal." I feel a tear falling from my right eye. I wasn't trying to cry but I'm hurt. I mean I love my mama to death but I needed him here. "Hey come on. Cut that out." Dre says. "Ugh!" He groans, as I cry more. But surprisingly he comes over to my side of the table. He pauses for a second and then pulls me into his side and rubs my right arm. Who knew he had a little soft side?

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