Sister, Sister

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I anxiously wait for my sister to show up. I already know how this about to go down. "Stop worrying." My mom says, walking into the living room. "I can't help it." I say. "She's not going to judge you. Regardless of where she is now, she still from the hood." She makes a small point but still. She was a kid. She didn't have to live her whole life here. "I don't know."

I jump up, when my phone rings. "Hey." I answer. "Hey...I'm outside." Mila says. And it begins. I kiss mama goodbye and head downstairs. Her car sticks out like a sore thumb, since it's a nice BMW. Niggas are outside watching and stepping forward. I peep Dre's boys and quickly look away. I hurry up and jump in her car. "Drive." I say. She doesn't even ask why and just speeds away. I already feel so bad.

When we get out of the area, we finally speak. "Sorry, the people round here nosey as hell. They would've walked up to your car any minute and I don't want you dealing with that." I say. "Thanks. I can't believe it's still like this, over here." Mila says. "It's gotten worse. That's why I'm so ready to go to college. Gotta get outta here." "You're going to college? That's so good! What are you going for?" I try not to be offended by the shock in her voice. "Criminal Justice. Ironic right." I laugh a little. "Just a little." She laughs. "It's cool though. I'm proud of you. Not many people, regardless of where they live, can say they had the opportunity to further their education." "That's true. Thank you."

We had agreed to get some seafood. I'm a huge fan of Juicy Crab, so I definitely suggested it and she agreed. It's a bit expensive but clearly she got the money. We walk in and are surprisingly seated quickly. "So how's the move going?" I ask. "It's good! I actually love decorating and I go all out. My place always looks like a model home." Mila laughs. "I dream of that. I'm just happy I got my own room." I laugh at my own misery. She gives me a sympathetic look. "Hey. You have a roof over your head and clothes on your back. Can't nobody make you feel less then, when God has given you what you need to survive." Mila says. Maybe she's not as judgmental as I thought. "You're right."

We talk casually, as we wait for our food. I'm bout ready to dive in. My Apple Watch lights up and I see it's a text from Dre. I like having this thing. I had to save up for months and buy it myself. I like that I can see what messages I want to ignore. "Here you go. You ladies enjoy." The waitress says, as she places our food down. We both quickly dive in. Occasionally, I look up at her, seeing our similarities. There's no way she's not Mason's kid, too.

Speaking of him. "I have a question." I say. "What's up?" Mila asks. "Has our father been in your life?" She laughs a little. "Girl no. He didn't even know where we went. My mom wanted nothing to do with that man." "I understand that." "Why do you ask?" "Because he's in town and he's been trying to reconnect with me." She stops eating and looks around. "He's here? I thought he disappeared too." "He did for years but he's back, now." I don't dare tell her the REAL reason he's back. "Well I don't want to see him. I'm 21, now. It's no point of trying to rekindle our relationship." "I thought the same thing. He showed up at our apartment, one day." "What? How you just disappear for years and just show up on somebody door step?" And right then, the hood comes out of her. I guess it's true what they say. You can take the girl out the hood but you can't take the hood out of the girl.

We finish for our food and Mila pays. One day, I aspire to be able to pay a $60 tab. We leave the restaurant and head to the car. "Why is that man by my car?" Mila asks. I look toward her car and see that it's Dre. Oh my God. "Dre, what are you doing?!" I yell. At this point, I'm pissed. "I told you, when I text you, you answer!" Dre yells back. "I already told you I'd be out with my sister." "You still could've answered. How you know I ain't wanna meet her? I know everybody round here. I need to know who coming in and out." Mila's completely silent. "Mila, I'm so sorry." I apologize. "I'm Dre. I run these streets." Dre says, annoying me. Mila cracks a small smile and says "Hi." Dre rubs his chin and then walks away. Mila and I jump in the car.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Mila asks. "Hell no! I'd never date somebody like him." I reply quickly. "For some reason he's become fascinated with me and won't take no for an answer." "Ugh. It's so unattractive to be acting like that. You can't let somebody have an hour or two without you?" "Right!  I don't understand. Why me? I always stayed clear of him and his boys. I don't go where I'm not supposed to and I don't mess with anybody in rival gangs. He just says I'm different." "I don't like this. What if he wants to change you because you're different?" "That's what I'm scared of." "How long before you go to school?" "About seven weeks." "Damn." "I know."

We pull back up to my apartment. "Again, I'm sorry about all this. This is why I wanted to come to you." I say. "Next time we'll do that." Mila nervously laughs. "Thanks again for dinner." "No problem sis. I hope we can do this more often." "Me too." I say, before letting her drive off. I hadn't even noticed Mason's car, before now. I don't have time for this.

"Hey baby girl. How you doing?" He gets out of his car. "Who was that?" She doesn't want to see him so I lie. "A friend. What are you doing here?" "Just checking on you. Haven't heard from you. I wasn't sure if you accepted my gift or anything." I completely forgot about it. It's still sitting on my dresser. "You haven't looked at it huh?" He asks. "No. I just don't know what to do. As much as I wanted you to be here, I don't know how to feel now that you are." "Baby, I understand that..." "Please don't call me that." I interrupt. He doesn't get that luxury. "Sorry, Maya. I just really want a chance. I'm sorry if I'm bombarding you. I just wanna fix my mistake." He sounds sincere but all liars are good at what they do. "I still need more time. That's all." I say. "Okay. Well at least just accept the gift. You don't have to accept me just yet." He says and gets back into his car.

I notice Josh and Trey across the way. Josh is on the phone and I have no doubt in my mind that he's talking to Dre. I'm going to have to hear about this. But maybe he'll stop talking to me, once he finds out Mason is my dad.

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