Meet Your Maker

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I happily clock out and head for the break room, to grab my stuff. I only had a six hour shift but working with Denisha makes it feel like 10. I only like working when the team leader is here. She's working 9 - 3, like me, today and Denisha is supposed to work 3-9, with the other folks. "Can you do a double today?" She asks me, as soon as I walk in. "I just clocked out. Why didn't you ask me, before?" I ask. At this point, I'm over her. "Because I need to go and at least three of us have to be here." She rudely replies. "Oh. Well my schedule said 9-3, today and yours said 3-9. You just got here." "And I need to leave. You staying or not?" "No, I have plans." I lie and grab my things. "That's fine, ima tell corporate on your rude ass." "And say what, I worked my shift and left? Girl bye." I walk away. Knowing her, she's gone try to remake the schedule and send it to them but I already took a picture last week.

I rush to my car and hop in. I'm so aggravated. I keep having to remind myself that I only have about two months left of dealing with her. If I knew what my refund would be, I would've quit and just use the money I have saved up. I don't do much but buy snacks and go the movies every now and then. I scan the parking lot and see the Austin twins. They meet eyes, with me and start heading my way. Damn. I'm already annoyed, as it is. Last thing I need is Dre's lap dogs coming up to me. I know better not to leave, though. 

They walk up to my driver's side and I roll my window down. "So you not walking to work no more huh?" Sanai asks, with a smirk. "Not if I don't have to." I answer. "You think you hot shit?" Sade asks. "I never said that." I answer. Sanai looks at her sister. "Sade. She's cool." "Mmm...I guess." Sade says. "So what my cousin want with you?" Sade asks, as she pops the blow pop in and out of her mouth. If you've ever seen a portrayed ghetto black girl, in a movie, that's exactly how she looks. "I have no idea. I don't want no parts though." I say honestly. "Look, we used to be girls but whatever my cousin wants, he gets. You don't say no to him. Understood?" Sanai says, switching up on me, yet again. "I hear you." They walk away and I roll my eyes. This hood kills me. 

I drive home and notice the big Benz outside the buildings. Keisha's name pops up on my phone. "Hey, girl." I answer. "I been waiting to see your car. The old head is out there." She says. "I see. What has he been doing?" "Nothing. He's just been sitting there. Trevor walked by twice and the man looked him up and down, like he was crazy. I told him I'd watch from here." I look up and see a small opening, in her bedroom blinds. It makes me laugh. "Well hopefully he doesn't come for me, in broad daylight." "Stay on the phone with me." Keisha demands.

I park and lock my car, to head upstairs. The old head parked right by the stairs so I know we'll make some kind of eye contact. "Excuse me?" I hear him say, just as I make it to the first step. I take one look at him and my whole body shivers. I know this man. I hold my phone down and we have a stare off. "Maya?" He asks and starts getting out of the car. I hear Keisha yelling something, on the phone. I don't know what to say. "Maya Mae, it's me, your daddy." He says. My heart stops, for a second. I knew I knew him. Tears unexpectedly fall from my eyes. He left me right after my fifth birthday. I never expected to see him again, let alone wanted to see him again. "Before you get upset, I really need to explain some things to you." He says. I take off running, to my apartment. I see Keisha and grab her. She doesn't ask why we're running, she just goes. We run into my apartment and lock the door. 

"Mama!!!" I yell, waking Darius' lazy ass up. My mom comes running, out of her room. "What? What?" "Is that my dad?" I point to outside. "What?" She goes toward the window and looks out. Darius gets up and starts to look too. "I don't see anybody." My mom says. "Good." Darius says. Then, we hear a knock on the door. "Who is it?" Darius asks, like he pays any kind of bill. My mom and I both look at him like he's crazy. "It's Mason." My supposed dad says. My mom freezes. Darius starts walking to the door. "Darius, you need to leave." I say, in my mom's absence. She's so distraught right now. "Little girl, who you talking to?" Darius bucks at me. "Aye!" Mason yells. Keisha runs and opens the door. Mason walks in. "Don't you ever talk to my child like that. I may not have been around but I damn sure wouldn't talk to her like that!" Mason steps to Darius. Darius is clearly shook. "You just gone let him up in here?" Darius questions my mom, who still has yet to say anything. "Darius, get out!" I yell. I'm sick of his ass. My mom can yell at me later. "I see how it is. Don't come begging for me to come back." "You ain't done shit in this house! Didn't pay one bill. Didn't cook one meal. Didn't do shit. I promise I won't be begging for shit associated with you." My mom finally speaks. Now, everybody is shook.

Darius leaves and slams the door. Mason is in here. Mason, my dad. He's in our apartment. "Hey Georgie." Mason says. I assume that's a nickname he used to call her. "Mason what are you doing here?" She asks. "I came to my senses. There was so much going on back then; I thought the best thing to do was leave." "You wouldn't have so much going on, if you kept it in your pants." My mom snaps. Damn, Mama. Keisha and I look at each other. "You are absolutely right." Mason says and turns to me. "Maya, I know I can't make up, for lost time but I do want to try and be there for you, during a momentous time. Will you let me try?" I don't even know what to say to him. "Mason, you can't just come in here and ask her something like that. You've been gone about 13 years. You missed A LOT. 12 birthdays, her prom, graduation. You don't get to just walk back into her life." "I know. I know but I need her to at least think about it." Mason says. I really do need to know why he left us but not right now. "Anyway, you take some time. I'm back in town so whenever you're ready. I'll be there." He hands me a bag that says congratulations. "Just a little gift, for my big girl. I know it's not what you need in a father but it's what I can do right now." He gives a small smile and head outside. "It was good seeing you, Georgia. I hope to see you soon."

Once he leaves, we all just stand there. "Now, that was some movie type sh...stuff." Keisha says. "Maya, baby you okay?" My mom asks. "I don't know what to say." I answer. "I mean I was barely getting over the fact that he left and now he wants to come back. I have so many questions but I don't even know if it's worth asking, you know?" "I know, sweetheart. I have questions of my own but I left it all to God, years ago." My mom pulls me in, for a hug. I can't deal with this, right now. I need a nap. 

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