Her Thoughts

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More or less what girls think about this situation!

Afterwards we're going for the fun stuff - cravings, mod swings, overprotectiveness, blaming, coming up with names and birth... Then around 20 years of affection and grooming, trying to raise a normal person.

Ruby Rose

I feel happy but kind of awkward about my situation. I mean (Y/N) is my very first crush and if it wasn't for Yang I'd probably be too nervous to ask him out. I had done everything couple-like there could be so I was sure I'm old enough and responsible to do what I found in Blake's book and what many other girls were talking about...

Turns out I wasn't... Now I made a big problem and got pregnant. I didn't expect for it to end like this but I'm happy that (Y/N) accepted me. Yang told me that he might not be the one and I'll go throught many boyfriends before finding a good one... Turns out I had more luck than I thought!

Spending time with (Y/N) is fun. He does everything for me and I can't help but fall in love with him even more. I hope that once the child is born and after we're done with Beacon we will make a true family. Just thinking about it gets me giddy! ...I never thought much about boys before meeting (Y/N) but now it feels natural. It makes me very happy...

Weiss Schnee

I feel relieved. I don't have to lie about my boyfriend and I'm not stuck constantly with my father who would probably marry me off to someone for right amount of money and influence. Now it's just mom and sister who still think about me. Mom spends a lot of time with Valery and they seem to get along well. Beats being stuck with my father, I guess...

It makes me happy. Freedom. The only thing I have to worry about is being a good mother for my child. I wanted to go back to Beacon but father cut off tuition and there's no way to pay for it myself and I don't want my new family to scrap the barrel. Instead I work with (Y/N)'s mom in her cafe, she teaches me all the diffrent things about coffee and baking. I find it pretty interesting...

I can make a happy family I always wanted. My children won't have to be sheltered away from the world, I spend my life with the man I love instead of one picked by my father... I finally have my life in my own hands...

Blake Belladonna

I'm slightly stressed out but I guess it could be worse. (Y/N) might be grumpy and clumsy at times but when he puts his heart into something he will do it until the end. I could always end up with someone worse. This could be Adam's if I didn't discover what kind of man he really is. I fear what he would do if I ran away while pregnant...

With (Y/N) he tries his best. He fails at times but not in a harming way, usually causing me to at least slightly smile or giggle. It just makes me wonder how will my parents react if I'll suddenly pop up at their doorstep with (Y/N) and giant belly or kid in hands. Mom will probably want to know everything while dad will try to murder (Y/N)... Probably.

I wanted a family, but after all of this is over. However, if this is how this goes then so be it. I have to put my back to it and deal with everything. For my parents, for (Y/N) and for my child... I will do all I can to raise you in the world where you won't have to fear persecution.

Yang Xiao Long

Kind of a dream with a bitter start... The only way I can name it. Noting of course that getting body like mine pregnant is a sin... It kind of make me happy. We've been together ever since we were just little kids. If there is a man I can safely get steady and make a family with it would be (Y/N). I even don't mind him touching my hair... Well, not much at least.

Mom was pretty chill with that and it makes me calm, dad will never go against mom... It still makes me wonder how my real mother will react once she finds out about this. I know it will happen, sooner or later but she will be here...

I find this as a win situation. I mean, it sucks I can't go punch away people in combat class but at least I have a guy I can depend on now. Also, we can have as much fun in bed as we want~ Besides I don't mind being treated like princess by him from time to time. If he only knew how happy he really makes me~

Pyrrha Nikos

It's a challange I'm willing to take up... If it means I can help tiger faunus species and if I can spend the rest of my life with (Y/N). I thought that it's Jaune who was oblivious to other's feelings and suddenly it turns out I wasn't any better. I'm happy that (Y/N) helped me with that and now we are together.

Wonder what my parents will think about it once they'll find out. I already told them that I have surprise waiting for them. There shouldn't be any problems with him and my parents since we spent years together. Wonder what will happen if some reporters catch wind of me like that...

Who cares at this point. I will raise my child as best as I can! I will support them no matter what path they'll choose but if they'll pick to be Huntsman too, I will train them the best I can! With me and (Y/N) as parents our kid may be a pro as well... I'll show everyone that I'm not only a pro-fighter but a pro-mother too!


I'm marked by my cute little panda boy~ It also gives me an immunity against the girls from Beacon who are good friends with him. They won't call police on me because (Y/N) would hate them for it. I have achieved quite a bit with that move. A cute guy and reason to break out of Torchwick's organization which stops him from trying to get me.

I think I'll have twins since I already grew a small bump on my belly. (Y/N), just you wait until they're born~ We're gonna have a handful with them but for doing such a great job at taking care of them I will be rewarding you at night~ Ah... This is great but kinda boring when he stays at Beacon.

I have to find myself something to do in meantime. I think my favourite ice cream parlor is looking for a worker. Nothing too fancy but some more funds wouldn't hurt and all that ice cream~! (Y/N), we will have our dream family~ No~ Matter~ What~

Children gender's :

Weiss - Girl

Blake - Girl

Ruby - Boy

Yang - Identical twins ( Girls )

Pyrrha - Little Warrior Princess ( Girl )

Neo - Fraternal twins ( Boy and girl )

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