Chapter 16

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The next day at school I'm in English when Sabrina walks in, sitting in the desk next to me. "So, how was your date, was it great, do me and Trey have a new opponent for cutest couple?"

I laugh, "it was okay," she frowns when I say that.

"Oh no what happened, what did he do, did he forget to shower after practice, I told Trey to remind him-" she rambles and I laugh again, she really cares a lot about her friends.

"It was a really good date, there was just, one thing that made me uncomfortable." I tell her, as more kids fill up the classroom.

She furrows her eyebrows, "What made you uncomfortable?"

"He asked me to lie to my mom, he wants me to tell her that I'm with you on Halloween, when I'll actually be with him," I tell her and she frowns.

"Did you tell him that you don't feel comfortable lying to your mom," she ask, pulling her home work out, we were supposed to have a draft done to do peer review proof reads.

I nod, "yeah, but he seemed so disappointed and plus I see where he's coming from, I mean my mom did threaten to cut his penis off and ran him off when he tried to kiss me, but I just got ungrounded, I can't afford to get in more trouble."

She thinks for a moment, "okay yeah, the penis thing does sound a bit crazy but not any worse than the things my dad had threatened Trey with, and don't worry, I'll just convince Chad to let us all come over and hang out on Halloween, and then you won't be lying when you say your hanging out with me."

I smile, "Sabrina, you're a genius, thanks." She laughs and looks over at my still empty desk.

"You might not have to worry about Halloween, if you keep forgetting to do your homework, then your mom probably won't let you go." She tells me and I roll my eyes.

"It'll be fine, I'm going to do it this weekend, it's not due till Monday." I tell her, waving it off, so I don't get someone to proof read my work for me, no big deal, I've been writing A plus papers since elementary school.

"No, it's due today," she looks at me, wondering if I'm being serious or if I'm about to pull a paper out of nowhere.

"No, we're doing the peer review thing today." I tell her, the same look on my face that she has for me, thinking that she's just messing with me.

"The peer review was last Thursday, but you weren't here for it, because you were suspended, remember." I look at her for a moment as her words sink in, the words of my teacher stating that the peer review was on Thursday, feeling as if they were said just last week and I realize that I was in fact here last Tuesday, and for some reason my brain hadn't registered that Thursday had come and past, and the Monday and Tuesday that I was here for was a part of a different week.

"It's due on the twenty-eighth though...." And then I realize that today is in fact the twenty-eighth. "Oh my god, how could I have completely spaced on that, I knew Sunday was Halloween and yet for some reason I still thought that Monday was the twenty-eighth."

Sabrina pats me on the shoulder, "It happens to the best of us, I mean sure most people don't wait till literally the last day to do the assignment, but it does happen sometimes."

My eyes widen as I have an idea, "quick let me borrow your laptop, I have an idea." She hands it to me and I go to the browser, logging into my old school account, student accounts remain active until the end of the semester, because West Brooke has an unbelievably high amount of students who leave and come back in the same semester. So, they wait to deactivate the accounts to prevent more work from having to retrieve the old accounts.

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