Chapter 11

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I've been waiting in the office for twenty minutes thinking about everything. I just wanted to get back at my mom, and convince her to send me back to West Brooke. I'm starting to think maybe I don't want to do this anymore, I don't like the way the secretary is looking at me, like I'm some troubled kid, I don't like how on my school records it's going to show that I got in this much trouble with in one week, I also don't like how all the other kids whisper about me. At least I'm not the only one in the office though, there's another girl sitting here with me, she came in about ten minutes ago, but the principal is too busy on the phone with someone to get to her right now.

She looks over at me, studying me for a moment. Her hair is dyed black, but I can tell that it's naturally blonde, she has her left ear pierced all the way up the Cartlidge, and from her clothes I can tell she looks like the typical trouble maker. She study's me with her blue-grey eyes for a moment longer, before smiling and holding her hand out, completely throwing me off. "Hi, I'm April" the way she says it, like a preppy cheerleader instead of a girl who was sent to the office for fighting, is in complete contrast to her appearance.

I quickly get over my shock and shake her hand "Noah."

"I know, everyone's been talking about you, it's not very often that someone who was kidnapped starts at our school" she says still smiling.

I groan "I hate that term, when people hear kidnapped, they think chains and a basement, I grew up with my grandmother where the worse thing she ever did to me was forget to pick me up from school that one time because she had a doctor's appointment that ran late."

She looks at me apologetically "sorry, if it helps, most people aren't even talking about you because of that."

"What are people saying about me?" I didn't even realize that people were talking about me for other reasons, every time I saw people starring or whispering I had just assumed it was because of the whole kidnapping thing.

She shrugs "just that you seem to be really close to Ryder, among other things." She says the last part cryptically.

"What other things?" I look at her confused and concerned.

She looks towards the principal's door, then back at me uncomfortably, she then bits her lip "I don't know if I should be telling you this." She paused before continuing "some of the kids, are saying that you and Ryder are sleeping together, and after yesterday in the cafeteria, some are saying your also seeing Chad and Isaac too and that's what the whole thing was over."

I look at her, completely surprised "what, why?!" I say a little too loudly and the secretary glares at us.

"I don't know, maybe because of the way you dress," she gestures to my clothes and I look down at my tank top I'm wearing, with a pair of skinny jeans. "I mean that's totally not a good reason, but this is the south and people can be a little ignorant sometimes"

I had actually remembered my jacket this morning, but with it being unzipped, it's still extremely revealing. I blush slightly, as I zip my jacket up. "But, I'm, I'm not. No, nothing like that is going on between me and them. I'm fourteen, these aren't even my clothes." I defend myself and she only shrugs.

"People are getting pregnant at thirteen these days, it's not a far-off assumption to make anymore" she tells me, and I am so shocked by how casually she says that.

"Well I'm not like that" I state one more time.

She nods "okay I believe you, but that's doesn't change what everyone else thinks." She tells me, no longer feeling uncomfortable and I can now see some resemblance between her personality and her appearance.

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