49. Wake

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1011 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

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Written February 28 2020
Posted April 4 2020

The idea of keeping Kaito unconscious for a few days actually turned into a week, mainly because they'd wanted to make sure that Kaito was healing properly. Ginzo let out a breath as he watched the boy sleep, the X-Rays had been horrifying. While Kaito currently had no broken bones or fractures, there had been many indications of past injuries not being allowed to heal properly visible on his X-Rays. Kaito had broken over a hundred bones so far, which was scary considering how young he was.

Ginzo's gaze darkened as he once again thought about how young Kaito was, his bones apparently said that he was a bit younger than 10. Which if he thought about the timeline, it made some sense that his growth had been hindered around that age if he'd started up the lab early in his career as Kid. What would have happened if Kaito hadn't been injured bad enough to warrant a hospital?

He'd been thinking of Kaito as a young child due to his appearance, but in reality Kaito was a young teenager. He just couldn't see the other as such yet, maybe when he started growing properly he would. Thankfully Kaito had a fair chance of catching up in height, or at least not look like a child by the time he stopped growing.

It would be interesting to see Kaito grow up, his gaze softened as he observed Kaito's sleeping form. The boy would be waking up any moment now since they'd stopped administering whatever had been keeping Kaito under. Now Kaito wasn't hooked up to anything. Unfortunately since Kaito was a good actor, they'd minimized the pain medication as well, pain was useful for gauging someone's health.

Kaito grimaced, curling up a bit in an attempt to ward off the pain. The horrible coldness was gone, no longer leaching away the warmth, but the pain was still there. A small whine passed through his lips as he curled the fabric around himself, it was soft, and dry.

"Kaito?" Ginzo's voice was soft as he called out to the other, the boy just gave another small whine, bundling himself up in the blankets.

He heard someone talking but he didn't really care, he didn't sense danger from them so it was fine to ignore them. He just wanted to curl up into a safe little ball and wait for the pain to go away. He felt too exhausted to do anything else.

The inspector became concerned when Kaito didn't really acknowledge him, the boy usually paid him at least some attention when contacted. He also wanted to know why Kaito wasn't freaking out at being in an unfamiliar place. Since the boy had bundled himself up away from him, Ginzo had to climb up onto the bed to reach him. Stupid short arms "Kaito" He gently nudged Kaito in an attempt to get his attention.

Kaito felt the ground shift under him, but that was fine. It wasn't sinking. When he felt something tough him he leaned against it, it was solid, and solid was safe. It was even more solid than the ground.

Ginzo blinked, maybe Kaito was still being affected by the medication, considering that he all but passed out against him. Did the boy even open his eye? Or was he still too drugged up to notice that half his vision was gone? His eyes softened as he gently pet Kaito's unruly locks, at the very least the boy was in pain. He didn't think that Kaito would have made those sounds otherwise if he was fully aware.

The inspector tried to slip away, but was stopped by the other clutching at his shirt. His shoulders sagged as he glanced at the time, it was late. He'd shared a bed with Kaito for a good while, so he might as well get some sleep now instead of bothering him.

Ginzo was awoken a few hours later by a wetness on his chest, and soft whimpers. Shit, was Kaito having a nightmare? He wouldn't blame the boy if he was. He opened his eyes to see that Kaito had latched onto him in his sleep, and was now trembling as tears fell from his good eye while bits of blood speckled the bandages over his missing eye.

Cold, so cold, and dark. He couldn't see anything, could only feel the coolness of the water as it tugged at him, trying to drag him into it's depths. He clawed desperately at the rotting fish, only for the decaying flesh to give way, already weakened from time. Kaito. He scrambled for something to grab onto, coughing and choking when the bits under him gave way. It burned, his throat, his lungs, the icy water burned, while at the same time chilling his core. Kaito wake up! He cried out as he flailed, struggling against the icy grip. It was stealing his energy! He continued to fight against it, against the numbness, against the...

Kaito gasped, jolting awake. Indigo snapping open in a panic. He saw Ginzo, but where was he?! He moved to pull away from the inspector, to scope the area, but was instead grabbed tightly "Calm down!" Ginzo hissed, worried at how Kaito's whole frame was trembling.

"Where?!" Kaito's voice was laced with fear, this looked like a hospital, he shouldn't be here. Couldn't be here. Why was he here?! "We need to leave" He stated, squirming to get out of Ginzo's grip. God the guy was strong. He felt his heart rate pick up a bit "It's dangerous" Why did Ginzo put them in so much danger?  His eye narrowed as he tried to formulate a plan to protect Ginzo's daughter, if she hadn't already been killed that is.

Shit "Kaito calm down" Ginzo breathed, both amazed and concerned about the blatant fear exuding from the boy. He was fucking terrified. He swallowed, was this fear new, or just something that had been hidden from him? His eyes burned at the thought of it being the latter, the panic hadn't really started until Kaito had realized where they were.

Me: So he woke up all confused and scared... The location isn't really helping much, nor did his dream with it raising up his fear levels.

Hope you enjoyed~

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Berry hasn't had veggie or fruit for months... all hail multivitamin! •0•

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