12. Bad Floor

317 41 18

1004 Words excluding (A/N)~ Berry doesn't own MK/DC~

Written September 15 2019
Posted November 3 2019

Extra chappy because I'm impatient to get chappy 20 posted~

Then I'll start posting this on other sites but always stay at least 20 chappys behind wattpad version XP

Kaito buried his face into his hands, completely mortified that he'd gotten carried away and let slip how much he admired Ginzo. It wasn't that he was ashamed of the fact that he admired the inspector, it was more how he'd delivered the information. He couldn't believe that he'd actually told the other. He was supposed to be better than that! He should only give out information that he wished for Ginzo to know, blabbing on instinct wasn't how he'd been trained. He let out a weary sigh as he eventually uncovered his face, he couldn't fix that mistake so he might as well push it out of his mind. He needed to monitor the fire.

When daybreak came Ginzo woke up confused, having momentarily forgotten that he was actually staying with Kaito. He squinted at the morning light filtering through the window, he needed to ask Kaito for some sort of clock. He wasn't that good at telling time from the sun or moon.

He stretched his arms above his head before slipping out of the bed, relishing the lack of stiffness in his joints. If he was his real age, sleeping in that bed would have left him sore and stiff for ages. It was nice that being tiny during his stay with Kaito had some positives. As long as his time as a child wasn't permanent he was content to just live the best he could with what he had. There was no point in complaining if he couldn't actively do something to fix his problems.

Ginzo stifled a yawn as he made his way down the stairs, having a lot more confidence in them then the other day now that he knew they wouldn't kill him. He paused at the bottom of the stairs to stare at Kaito in bewilderment. The boy was sprawled out sleeping soundly on the floor. Concern nudged at him at how easily the boy could cut himself on the cracked tiles in his sleep. Maybe sleeping outside would have been a lot safer for Kaito, that thought was odd.

He silently hurried back up the stairs to fetch the blanket, once he had it he hurried back down the stairs. He then approached the sleeping boy as silently as he could, gently draping the blanket over him. He wasn't big enough to carry Kaito to the bed, so he at least hoped that the blanket would help if he rolled over.

The inspector gave the sleeping boy one last cursory look before stepping out of the house. He had to admit, this place was beautiful if he disregarded the house. The air was nice and fresh, courtesy of the trees filtering out the natural smog. Maybe he could make a tree fort to live in? It'd give him something to do if Kaito didn't have any tasks for him. The boy probably had the necessary tools somewhere around here.

He nodded to himself, yes a tree fort would be a good idea. Maybe he could make one big enough for Kaito to live in as well. Anything to stop him from sleeping on that hazardous floor. He glanced down at his hands with a frown, suddenly realising that he probably wouldn't have the physical strength to do it on his own. He grimaced, Kaito might help if he asked him, but the boy was probably going to be busy a lot of the time. Well that idea was out. Maybe he could fix up that floor somehow then? As long as it was no longer dangerous it would be fine. Dirt could work if he got a lot of it, but then he'd have to somehow harden it. The house was surprisingly clean despite it's sketchy appearance. He doubted that Kaito would like dirt being tracked into it.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Kaito yawned, looking like he was still quite sleepy. He handed Ginzo a small leaf wrapped package "I could practically hear you thinking from just looking at you" He grinned.

Ginzo frowned when he spotted the bags under Kaito's eyes, the boy's hair was also a mess. He didn't seem like he's slept that well "That floor you were sleeping on is a health hazard" Ginzo grumbled "I was thinking of a way to make it more safe"

Indigos gleamed at his response, a small smile playing on the boy's lips "If it bugged you, I'll sleep on a tree branch or something" He replied, a little warmed that the inspector had thought of his safety. It had been a long time since someone had done that.

"Why not just sleep on the ground?" Not even Kaito could sleep perfectly on a tree branch every night and not fall right? It was impossible. He'd rather not wake up to discover Kaito with a broken neck.

Kaito grimaced "There are some wild dogs that sometimes roam these woods" He paused "I've also seen a bear once" He finished, it had scared the crap out of the time. Literally, he'd been doing his business and then all of a sudden there was a bear a few feet away from him. He'd never wiped up and ran faster than that in his whole life. He liked animals, but bears were kinda scary.

Ginzo blinked "Really? So close to Tokyo?"

Kaito shrugged "It's not my job to know why that bear was there" Indigos narrowed "I'd rather just stay clear away from them" He smiled "Some bears can climb trees, but at least if I'm already in a tree, the bear won't stumble upon me by accident" He'd only seen a bear once, but that encounter had startled him enough to make him wary.

The inspector frowned "Then until we do something about that floor, you should at least sleep on the floor in your room" He stated, at least that floor was less likely to stab the boy in his sleep.

"Okay" Kaito agreed, he hadn't done so in the first place to give Ginzo some room "I have no problem with that if you don't"

Me: Ginzo is so caring~

Berry isn't good with unexpected social interactions >.< ... bus driver questioned why I used coins instead of buss pass...

I panicked and told him I was heading out to reSPAWN it... Berry was mortified as she went to the back of the bus...

Then since I was quick the bus was still there after renewing my pass... he said 'good girl' when I used the pass as if I was a child DX

More mortification...

Hope you enjoyed~

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