Chapter 2 (part5)

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I screamed in horror. I ran to the door trying to open the door but it wouldn't budge. The ghost got closer and closer and closer until I fell to the floor all I could see is blackness.

Luke P.O.V
We heard a scream of fright and than we heard running towards the door. Kalliyah tried opening the door but she couldn't than we heard one last scream and than a loud BANG!
" what the fuck was that" Kira screamed in fright " we should go check if she is ok" Tee replied. We all walked in to see Kalliyah lying on the floor with a cut lip. We all rushed over to her "KALLIYAH WAKE UP" I yelled she didn't reply she just stayed there paralyzed " PLEASE BABY WAKE UP PLEASE" I yelled one more time but louder and shaking her. I saw her beautiful big eyes flicker open and she started to cry.

Tee P.O.V
I saw her eyes flicker open I was so happy to see her eyes. I saw her starting to cry she sobbed into Luke's chest. " there is a ghost in here" she said we all looked at her " you where probley just imagining it Kall" Jai said "I'm not I actually saw one" we all looked at each other and best out laughing. Than................

Hey babes sorry I haven't been updating a lot I have been having really busy days and yeah so I have decided to update today because I have nothing else to do so hopefully you enjoy it.

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