Chapter 2 (part1)

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(Picture up the top is the clothes they are wearing)
Today is the day we go camping. Everyone got up and got ready in there clothes and checked they had everything they needed.
Jai P.O.V
Everyone was ready apart from Kalliyah whenever we go somewhere she takes so long. "Luke go see what is taking Kalliyah so long because we have to leave in 20 minutes" Luke nodded his head and walked up the saris I hear someone crying I think it was Kalliyah. Why is she crying? "Jai do I hear someone crying" Kira says to me worried a few seconds later Luke comes running down the stairs. "What's wrong with Kalliyah" I asked Luke worried. He looked at me sad "you know how she told us her aunty had cancer" everyone nodded looking at him worried "we'll she passed away today and she just got a phone call from her family in England" we all looked at him with sad faces. Kira and Tina ran up the stairs while we just walked up them we walk in and they are cuddling up to her and trying to calm her down. After she calmed down we went to school to get on the bus. We got there on time and we hoped on the bus. Luke and Kalliyah sitting together, Skip and Tina sitting together and of course me and Kira are sitting together. I saw Kalliyah and Luke kiss and I couldn't help but laugh the looked back at me and gave me the evils. Me and Kira had a really interesting conversation. We went on our phones and decided to go on Instagram I went onto Luke's account and see him and Kalliyah are taking a lot of selfies and than on Kalliyah's is the same. I saw a picture a fan posted a collage of Kalliyah and Kira it was so cute. We finally arrived and everyone jumped off the bus and walked to the camp.
I'm going to post the two photos that the fan posted on the next chapter

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